Special Features

Tissue World Magazine, Special Features: Annual Review, Distribution Special, Private Label & Brands, Project Survey, Retail Special Report, and The Barometer Issue

Smart factory robotics and automation has come to the rescue

Early adopters are reaping the rewards now. In a world where speed to market is critical, future advances in AI will only further strengthen...

The Barometer Issue: a climate report on tissue growth

TW revisits its country report mills of 2012 in Japan, Brazil, Western USA, Turkey and South Korea to check progress against investment strategy. JAPAN, Tissue World December/January 2012 Doh-Ei Paper: boosting capacity in...


2013年,《世界卫生纸》杂志为撰写卫生纸行业国别发展报告,访问了位于西班牙、印尼、波兰、德国等世界各地的多家造纸厂。这里,我们精选几段访问,回顾行业发生的变化。  研发取得显著成果,市场再现成功产品 西班牙:Gomà Camps 2012年12月/2013年1月 Gomà Camps的产品经理Jordi Gomà-Camps Travé表示,2013年初《世界卫生纸》杂志访问了工厂,而在那之后,他们在研发领域的巨额投资开始产生回报,为卫生纸部门带来了显著的创新效益。他说:“我们不断推出的新理念产品已非常受欢迎,例如,新毛巾理念产品Xtrasec以及更柔软的新款大卷卫生纸ConforDeco XL。” 他补充道:“Xtrasec是一款设计优雅的产品,它采用双层复卷系统,比市面上大部分卫生纸更柔软,吸水性更佳。它采用全密封式包装,使用起来安全卫生。得益于全新的复卷系统,压花双层ConforDeco卫生纸的容量不断增大。精美的产品不一定只能做得很小,我们的压花卷筒卫生纸ConforDeco XL总长可达240米。” 除了现有的法国和伊比利半岛市场,公司正向其他新市场拓展出口业务。“我们希望将公司业务拓展到传统市场之外的地区。未来几年,我们会在非洲等其他大陆寻找新商机。” Gomà Camps Angola成立于2009年,是Gomà Camps Portugal的子公司,专门服务于安哥拉市场,其总部设于罗安达(Luanda),在非洲市场销售卫生纸产品。2014年1月底,Gomà Camps Angola首次上线了两台纸巾设备,在安哥拉开启了纸品加工业务。工厂目前有两台设备,可生产纸巾,纸巾规格为33 * 33和40 * 40,分为一层、两层和三层。 在西班牙,集团主要的工厂仍在不断投资,提高其ECO生产线的产能和品质,升级DIP库存准备区。他说:“2013年最后一季度成功启动了全新的污泥脱水线,污泥干燥水平持续超过55%。加上工厂在其他领域的投资,集团可以最高标准生产更多再循环纸品。生产流程一天比一天环保,年复一年,我们的碳足迹就会持续实现最小化。”   爱生雅做出多项举措,为在西班牙长远发展奠定基础 西班牙:爱生雅巴利斯镇工厂 2012年12月/2013年1月 《世界卫生纸》杂志访问爱生雅(SCA)在巴利斯镇(Valls)的工厂时,该集团刚宣布收购了Georgia-Pacific (G-P)在欧洲的卫生纸业务。G-P于2011年底退出欧洲卫生纸市场,这使爱生雅在西班牙的市场份额增加了不少,总份额排名接近第三。 巴利斯镇的工厂经理Toni Mata告诉到访的《世界卫生纸》杂志,经济不景气对西班牙的居家外纸品(AfH)行业影响很大,业内发展普遍缓慢。 2013年年底,爱生雅宣布重组其在西班牙的业务,以此“确保短期和长期竞争力,为未来发展奠定基础。”这一举动意味着要关闭其在西班牙卡尔莫纳镇(Carmona)的卫生纸厂,并因此削减24个工作岗位。产品加工部也从麦地那市(Mediona)转到纳瓦拉区(Navarre)阿略镇(Allo)。公司同员工代表协商,并最终宣布企业在西班牙的中心转到纳瓦拉区的阿略镇和塔拉戈纳市(Tarragona)的巴利斯镇。爱生雅的西班牙区经理José Ramón Iracheta说:“我们这样做绝非草率而为;我们这样做,是进行了全面分析,认为这是确保公司在西班牙持久发展、拥有更长远未来的最佳方式。” 2014年6月,爱生雅宣布在西班牙启动婴儿纸尿裤生产线,这一举动也表明该公司致力于发展在西班牙的业务。全新的婴儿纸尿裤生产线将在巴利斯镇的工厂启动,这也使该工厂成为爱生雅在欧洲的首家同时生产个人护理品与卫生纸产品的工厂。按计划,该生产线将于2014年第三季度启动。爱生雅欧洲消费者产品部经理Magnus Groth说:“爱生雅通过这条新的婴儿纸尿裤生产线,加强我们在西班牙的业务,为未来发展奠定基础。” 爱生雅是全球第四大婴儿纸尿裤生产商,在欧洲市场位列第二。巴利斯镇的工厂为连锁超市Mercadona的个人护理品牌Deliplus生产婴儿纸尿裤。   伊比利亚半岛:追究精益,健康发展 葡萄牙:Fapajal 2013年2月/3月 2013年1月,《世界卫生纸》杂志在里斯本附近的葡萄牙公司Fapajal见到了公司董事兼股东Helen Gray De Castro。当时,该公司的市场战略是追求精益、降低成本,并暂时搁置之前的扩展规划。但Helen也非常坚信,这家不大的独立公司拥有宏大的愿景。 将近一年半后,Helen告诉《世界卫生纸》杂志,该公司在过去一年中发展迅猛,总销售额和利润同比增长十分显著。 Fapajal始终都很注重强化绩效、提高未来发展能力,投资建设独立的阔叶木和针叶木专门纸浆生产线。它还提高了加工纸品(AfH)的产量和销售额,投建新的加工生产线,并升级现有生产线。 她告诉《世界卫生纸》:“从2008年开始,伊比利亚半岛恶化的环境导致西班牙和葡萄牙的很多低效工厂关闭;要使这些工厂盈利并不那么简单,因为至少在这两个国家经营企业的固有成本就很高。因此,我们期望自己的纸品能持续得到市场的较高需求。”同时,她补充说,虽然道路漫长,但前方有很多引导的指明灯。 “我们希望低通胀能使欧洲形势普遍好转,这应该可以提高需求水平。尤其是葡萄牙和西班牙政府在过去几年通过强有力的财政紧缩政策,以重新获得国际投资者的尊重,而且国家经济也开始复苏,这应该能改善流动性,降低利率。” 葡萄牙出口商在应对财政紧缩措施中,通过提高生产力来增加竞争力,进而扩大出口量。她说:“美元不断贬值,至少从某种程度上说明它作为储备货币的吸引力已经降低,这反过来为像我们一样的公司提供了竞争机遇,此类公司在欧盟区内做出口,但成本主要以美元计价(纸浆和能源)。” 该公司通过投资水质,进行水治理,为拓展产能进行了高压能源投入,通过这些方式不断提高边际利润。 Fapajal公司的Helen Gray De Castro说:“我们希望低通胀能使欧洲形势普遍好转,这应该可以提高需求水平。”  亚洲浆纸集团:放缓卫生纸业务拓展计划 印度尼西亚:亚洲浆纸集团 2013年4月/5月 2013年3月,《世界卫生纸》杂志参观了Pindo...

Why (not) Private Labels?

F.A. RETAIL founder Fernanda Accorsi talks to TWM about the issues for tissues Private Label (PL) is already a recognised brand in the market. If we consider the thousands of brands from...

The Barometer Issue – one year on – you report back on your progress

  ROMANIA Big retail channels rapidly changing the market place When TWM visited Petrocart’s historic snow-laden tissue mill in Piatra Neamț in eastern Romania, the site was just eight months into production on a...

Brands and private labels – premiumisation, digitalisation and bricks & mortar

By Soile Kilpi, director, Pöyry Management Consulting The retail sector continues to go through a transition. Online shopping is just one of the catalysts. New retail stores are opened, some closed, repurposed for...

Impact of a private label orientated business

Have you ever thought about the launch process of a private label Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)? If yes, you may have realised that this SKU was not a new product, but actually it was a follower...
Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail

Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail

Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted the tissue sector? 

Steve Peters, sales and business development manager, Bedford Paper

TWM/1: How have events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business and the global tissue industry?  “Raw material supply and price variations...
Daniel Signori, technical director, Mili

Daniel Signori, technical director, Mili

TWM/1: What key events has the tissue industry been impacted by during 2019?  “The Brazilian market is going through a very complex year. On one side...

Scott Griffin, director – tissue sales, Central National Gottesman (CNG)

TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business and the global tissue industry?  “During 2017 and 2018, we...

Paul Fecher, Northwood chairman, Northwood Paper, Tissue & Hygiene

TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business?  “2018 and 2019 have performed independent of logical evolution, there...

‘The economic crisis has redefined our marketplace’

Unprecedented private label growth, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, achieving the best price/quality/ performance value possible - Cascades Tissue Group chief executive Suzanne Blanchet discusses key retail trends with TW.   Tissue World: What...

Value-added TRIF reveals shifting trends facing global trade

Increased customer sophistication, sustainability, e-commerce, innovation, multiculture, aging population, decline in household income, slowing population growth, convenience, increased global logistics... the launch of the Tissue Retailers and Distributors Insight Forum (TRIF)...

The Millennial consumer: converting brand agnostics into brand believers

Global retail today is a more competitive, complex business than ever before for retailers and brands of all sizes. US retailers, in particular, are struggling to compete in an economy that...

Project Survey 2017/18

2017 has seen an increase in tissue projects compared to the same time a year earlier. TWM’s annual survey charts all new capacity being added, ordered or in final planning stages during 2017-2018. The survey is interested...

Distribution Special Feature

Adapting to every request for end of line or the automatic conveying system: TWM hears from OCME on its latest offerings. A TWM report. OCME is always on the lookout to respond to every-changing customer...

Distribution Special: Tissue Delivery Trends

Access to information the key to optimal supply chains DELIVERY TRENDSThere are a few trends that can be identified in the...

Special Feature: Annual Review 2015

As 2015 draws to a close, TWM asks leading figures across tissue’s global supply chain for their retrospectives on 2015… and predictions for 2016   Sumit Khanna Chief executive of tissue manufacturer Beeta Machines...


Sanna Sosa Principal Poyry Management Consulting Online shopping has experienced rapid growth over the past few years. According to the US Census Bureau, for the fiscal year of...

Annual Review

Industry experts tell TWM about how emerging technological, cultural, political and commercial changes could shape global tissue in the years ahead   Once consumers try private brands they are staying with them Kit Vale, Daymon...
L-R: AFRY Senior Consultant Olivia Ying and Analyst Navodya Denuwara

As At-Home tissue reached a decade high, AfH plummeted

The broad contrast between tissue sectors during the pandemic is well established, with AfH decline into Q1 2021 touching 20% for leading producers, with smaller players registering 30-40%. Here,...

Project Survey 2014/15

By Tissue World magazine editor Helen Morris Recessionary climates and a global slowdown in many tissue markets do not seem to have drastically impacted the amount of new tissue projects that are...

Project Survey 2015/16

Overcapacity and the mushrooming of new tissue projects, in particular in markets such as Brazil and Mexico, along with a lot of activity in many of the ‘CIVETS’ emerging economies: Colombia,...

Project Survey 2019/20

TWM’s annual Projects Survey charts all new capacity being added, ordered or in final planning stages during 2019-2020, as well as noting any projects already planned for 2021.

Projects Survey 2020/21

TWM’s Projects Survey charts all new capacity being added, ordered or in final planning stages during 2020–2021, as well as noting any projects already planned for 2022.

Special Feature: Projects Survey 2021-2023

TWM’s annual Projects Survey charts all new capacity being added, ordered or in final planning stages during 2021-2022, as well as noting any projects already planned for 2023.

Special Feature: Projects Survey

The combination of life after the outbreak of Covid-19, the global energy crisis, and ongoing fluctuations across trades and raw materials, has meant that the last 12 months have...
Image: PURPLEPRINT Creative

PROJECTS SURVEY 2024: Special Feature

TWM’s annual Projects Survey charts all new capacity being added, ordered or in final planning stages during 2023-2024, as well as noting any projects already planned for 2025. An impressive 108 new...
Integrated automation and smart software solutions: distribution through the lens of what is possible.

Internal distribution – largely exempt from technological improvements – offers the best to improve...

Producers and distributors face tough challenges responding to rapidly changing consumer demands in facilities and warehouses not designed to handle them. The one constant is that whatever is done...
Image: E. Smith CC


Sanna Sosa, principal, AFRY Management Consulting. Millennials and Generation Z are moving into a powerful position to dictate how economies respond to their needs. Tissue...

Distribution special, E80 Group: ‘Automation today is not just essential, it’s available for all’

Many smaller companies doubted ROI from automatic assets combined with smart software, but those days should be over, says William Nelson, President, E80 Group North America. A TWM report.

Distribution Special, Promotech – Edge Computing

Industrial Edge Computing is poised to lead the future of manufacturing and increase its productivity growth rate in the near future. Claudia Borella, Promotech Marketing and Sales Manager, discusses...
Ensuring safe, efficient, and sustainable material handling through automation is now a necessity.

DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL: How much do you value safety, sustainability and efficiency?

William Nelson, President, E80 Group North America, states a case for full scale material handling automation as an answer to today’s challenges. Would you ever imagine putting in a new production line...
Innovation: Poppies Europe has developed a new brand – ‘Happy Tree’ – which is made from 100% recycled unbleached tissue


ARMINDO MARQUE, PARTNER AND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, POPPIES EUROPE Integrated producer: Lucart offers a complete set of solutions that it says guarantee the highest level of hygiene


Bedford Paper: the company's business model has a diverse portfolio supporting both the AfH and At-Home markets


STEVE PETERS, SALES AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, BEDFORD PAPER TWM/1: What machinery investments have you made in the past year and why? “We...
Integrated producer: Lucart offers a complete set of solutions that it says guarantee the highest level of hygiene


LUCIANO LOPEZ, PLANT DIRECTOR AT LUCART TISSUE & SOAP TWM/1: What machinery investments have you made since we met and why? “Since the...
Above: Jean-David Tardif, President and Chief Operating Officer of Cascades Tissue Group

Barometer 2021: TWM looks back at 2020 – a year like no other –...

Everything changed as the pandemic struck. In 2020 TWM interviewed tissue mills in Canada, Scandinavia, Turkey, Serbia and Japan for our Country Reports. Here, we revisit a selection of...


In 2021, TWM interviewed tissue mill executives in North America, China, Southeast Asia, Germany, Brazil and the Middle East for the magazine’s Country Reports. Here, we revisit a selection...