TWM/1: What machinery investments have you made in the past year and why?
“We have active plans for a construction of a new +250,000 sq ft building and the addition of two new state of the art converting lines with full automation. Our intent was to start construction in late 2020 and a completion late in 2021. With the current concern for the Covid-19 pandemic and impact on both the AfH and At-Home markets we have decided to temporally put these plans on hold. We are still actively working on details of this plan and intend to resume in early 2021 with completion in 2022.”
TWM/2: How has your local tissue market changed/developed in the past year?
“Our business model has a diverse portfolio supporting both the AfH and At- Home markets. While one is very strong the other has been impacted by the shutdown of offices, schools and other AfH related businesses. We fully anticipate the market will rebound but also expect it to look different.”
TWM/3: What key challenges has your company experienced in 2020/2020, and how have you responded?
“With no doubt the Covid-19 has had the major impact on demand and materials. The challenge we all will have to manage to is what the ‘new norm’ will be not just from a product standpoint but also how we manage materials, administrative support, working with customers, scheduling of production and personnel.”
TWM/4: And the key opportunities?
“Flexibility and responsiveness.”