Operations Report

Tissue World Magazine, Departments: Operations Report


Dynamic economic growth – massive consumer markets – unique geographical position

By Helen Morris With Russian tissue consumption expected to rise fivefold in three years, Hayat Kimya - the largest tissue manufacturer in Eastern Europe and the Middle East - sees higher quality...

Top of the league SCA is on the ball to meet consumers’ changing needs

With its focus on innovation and sustainability, SCA has taken the top spot in the UK tissue market. TW visits its renowned Manchester mill on the city’s Trafford Park. By Helen Morris, Tissue World...
Growth set to continue: investment in equipment and human resources at the Pako Group factory in Belgrade


Pako Group Company is a family business founded in Belgrade, Serbia in 1995. Under its UNO brand, it specialises in the production and distribution of toilet paper, tissue and...
Hayat's Sustainable Innovations in Tissue Manufacturing

HAYAT OPERATIONS REPORT: Middle East region’s largest tissue manufacturer targets “immense potential for growth...

As one of the leading global companies in the FMCG sector, in 2023 Turkish-headquartered Hayat announced investment plans worth $55m which will see it open two tissue and non- woven production...
Tissue World Magazine

Sugar cane and able

The primary fibre source which supplies Sappi at its Stanger site on South Africa’s east coast is much in evidence. TWM visited the pulp giant’s single tissue producing mill. Driving from Durban...
Modernising process: the Green Bay-based company has two sites with 75,000sq ft of manufacturing and 40,000sq ft of warehouse, converting around 20,000-30,000tpy.


The future is electronic intelligence, robots and Human–Machine Interface. At this Green Bay converter financial support is offered for schooling and several personnel are going to technical school to...
Tissue World Magazine


Sofidel首席执行官Luigi Lazzareschi阐述欧洲变幻的形势如何为这家意大利先锋企业带来更多商机,促进企业全球业务均衡发展。 在位于意大利卢卡市(Lucca)的Delicarta卫生纸工厂办公室内,Luigi Lazzareschi接受了《世界卫生纸》杂志的专访。向窗外望去,风景格外迷人,工厂大部分也尽收眼底……大片的光伏太阳能电池板,还有附近那秀丽的绵延群山。当然,Sofidel的强劲竞争对手有两家也在附近,成为这窗外风景的一部分,在必要的时候,提醒着卫生纸行业的巨人,商战从未止息。 家族企业Sofidel Group可谓家喻户晓:欧洲的重量级企业,首家进军美国市场的意大利卫生纸制造商,全球市场份额也越来越大。 在整个访谈期间,首席执行官Lazzareschi考虑周详、态度真诚、全身心投入,只在手机偶尔响起有趣的铃声时才稍微中断一下访谈。我们先讨论了欧洲市场,尤其是Sofidel在欧洲市场的角色。随着过去几年各种合并收购,欧洲市场一直在不断变化:2011年底Georgia-Pacific退出市场,这意味着竞争对手会接手新市场的工厂,并会全面拓展至新的国家地区。 Sofidel一直是推动变化的重要驱动力:2013年4月1日,它从SCA收购了之前是Georgia-Pacific的业务,这包括买下英国知名消费者品牌,以及在爱尔兰、比利时、荷兰和卢森堡的品牌和厂商。 Lazzareschi说:“Georgia-Pacific、SCA意大利、宝洁等品牌做出的各种动作,让市场更为集中化,尤其是品牌产品,特别是在法国。但是对欧洲的居家外纸品(AfH)市场来说,这些变化对Sofidel很有益。我们收购了很多欧洲大品牌,目前在比利时和荷兰都有重要品牌。我们还增加了在意大利的市场份额,提高了在海外的生产力。” 当问及Sofidel在近期进军了美国市场,是否仍致力于注重发展欧洲卫生纸市场时,他回答说:“我们在欧洲仍有很大的发展余地,我们还有很多要发展的领域,在英国、荷兰、德国和西班牙还有多家工厂需要扩建。提高这些地方的生产力对我们来说很轻松,成本不高,可以让我们的产量增加一倍。”关于欧洲是否需要进一步展开合并收购活动,他说虽然一些企业可能仍有这样的想法,但现在大型企业一般对此不感兴趣了。他补充说,到目前为止,仍没有出现任何想进入该区发展造纸业的亚洲企业。 意大利,欧洲市场的发展前兆?  Sofidel在过去几年做了大量投资,包括1994年在Delicarta投资上线了美卓公司(Metso)的造纸设备PM3;1997年在Fine Paper(现在的Soffass造纸厂)上线了新设备,产能大大提高;2000年,收购了Fibrocellulosa(现在的Delicarta Val Fegana);2002年,接管Cartiera di Monfalcone(现在的Delicarta Monfalcone),2003年收购了Imbalpaper(现在的Delicarta Valdottavo)。Lazzareschi说:“意大利的产能并没有增加很多,一些地方产能过剩,区域市场有些许的限制性。”他补充说,一直都有一些小规模的开业和歇业,但在意大利,这种起起伏伏并不一定代表当下形势。 2013年,意大利的卫生纸零售业价值额降低了0.7%,有力反映出该国、乃至更广泛地区面临的经济压力。意大利的经济困境在欧洲一直很突出——过去十年间,意大利一直是欧元区发展最缓慢的经济体——它的发展趋势,以及国内的卫生纸厂商采取的决策,成为更广泛意义上的欧洲卫生纸业务的发展前兆。 经济放缓加大了当地卫生纸市场面临的压力。市场形势一直是私营品牌获得份额的催化剂,而在意大利,私营品牌的市场份额已从五年前的30%上升到了37%。品牌需要为此做出牺牲,因为更多的消费者希望得到物美价廉的产品。但去年,卫生纸是发展最迅速的领域,增加了1.6%,因此很有意思的是,这证明即使非常艰难的经济时期,厕纸和卫生纸的需求也完全有可能出现增长。如果产品合适,就可以说服消费者购买更多零售卫生纸产品。 Lazzareschi说:“我们看到整个欧洲消费者市场发生了转变,但意大利的转变最大。现在市面上有很多更便宜的产品。私营品牌在经济衰退期得到了强有力的发展,过去几年间,卫生纸产品已更加商品化。” 他补充说,意大利的居家外纸品(AfH)市场也“绝不只受消费者市场的影响。公共部门已显著就减少了可购买产品的数量。首先,这改变了可购买卫生纸的种类,其次,这也影响了产品的质量。我们也发现意大利的餐饮业和旅游领域的可购买产品也有所降低。” 为适应变化的市场趋势,Sofidel重新定位了在欧洲的位置。公司从上世纪九十年代就保持高速发展,不断向国外扩展,收购国外企业。很多国家地区的私营品牌发展得并不像德国等国家地区那样充分,在德国,私营品牌统占着市场,2013年的市场份额达78%。 他说:“我们在一些国家地区很强大,但我们在整个欧洲的市场份额并不高。我们居家外纸品(AfH)部门的产品已经很多元化,但仍需改进。我们会提高在表现不佳的市场中的份额。例如,我们在法国新建了一家居家外纸品(AfH)工厂,而法国也是我们非常想拓展业务的地区。” 可持续性为企业赢得在意大利的发展动力 虽然在卫生纸零售行业的黄金末期大部分创新都围绕提高产品可持续性展开,但绿色产品在意大利卫生纸行业的市场仍很小。虽然这几乎是一个全新的纸品市场,但可循环再利用卫生纸的商机会越来越多。 Sofidel还脱离固有模式,成为另一个领域的先锋。虽然绿色产品在经济衰退期尤其难以销售,但该公司全球市场战略很大一部分涉及到可持续性。Lazzareschi的战略显示,他这样做是为了长远发展——到目前为止,公司已投资2500万欧元致力于减少二氧化碳的排放,到2020年,公司的二氧化碳排放量可减少26%。他说:“可持续性让我们与众不同,这也是我们大力推进的一个方向。我们希望盈利,但也希望以对社会负责的方式盈利。保护环境和可持续发展是我们的成功因素,也是推动我们发展的关键要素之一。” 这包括投资760万欧元建设了三个光伏阵列,分别位于Porcari的Delicarta工厂和Soffass加工工厂,以及位于Tassignano的Delicarta加工工厂,预计年度总发电量达3,975,000 kWh。   美国是投资的首要市场 在三月份的美国世界卫生纸业展览会上,Lazzareschi向《世界卫生纸》杂志透露,在不久的未来,Sofidel将在美国市场做出更多行动。公司绝不想止步不前:它已重申自己想成为美国市场的重要从业者。2012年8月31日,公司收购了Cellynne及其三个工厂,Sofidel America现在占Sofidel市场总额的8.14%,年总产能提高至1亿公吨。 借助这次收购,这一欧洲卫生纸巨人将业务拓展到新的大洲,当然也包括极富挑战性的美国市场。Lazzareschi告诉《世界卫生纸》杂志:“现在,我们在美国只有三家工厂,在美国的市场份额还很低。我们会关注企业在该区的发展,因为这里有很大的商机。”他补充说,跟美国市场相比,欧洲市场的“竞争更加激烈”;但他也提到,很多投资应该由美国生产商来做。“科技很发达的美国在这方面还很落后,这意味着我们有更多机会。这些机会来自我们的新产品,也得益于居家外纸品(AfH)和消费者市场的发展。居家外纸品(AfH)占在我们市场份额中占很大的比重,是我们的自然市场,我们最近在奥兰多市(Orlando)投建了两台新设备。但同时,为了更平衡地发展,我们还必须投资私营品牌的消费者产品,实现更均衡的发展,获得更多商机,实现风险最小化。” 他继续说道:“我们很难想象未来几年公司在欧洲还能以同样的速度发展,届时发展速度将降为单位数。而从人均消费水平来看,美国是世界上最重要的卫生纸市场,充满了商机。” 关于Sofidel Group 创办人: Giuseppe Lazzareschi &  Emi Stefani 创办年份: 1966 营业区域: 13个国家 (意大利、西班牙、瑞典、英国、比利时、法国、克罗地亚、德国、波兰、罗马尼亚、希腊、土耳其和美国) 工厂: 32 业务范围: 居家外卫生纸、自有品牌、消费者品牌 产品: 卫生纸、厨房用纸、餐巾纸、手帕纸、面巾纸、医用纸、折叠纸巾、卫生纸原纸 品牌: Regina, Softis, Le Trèfle,...

Luxury products have been the most dynamic at 6% value growth in 2013

How the largest facial tissue plant in Europe is stepping up to meet customer demand After TW’s visit to Belgium and the Netherlands for this issue’s regional report it was evident that...

Operations Report: “We estimate that about 40% of all paper sold on the shelf...

With roughly half the per capita consumption rate of Germany and France, the Transylvania, Romania-based company’s extensive investment programme is targeting home growth, as well as international expansion where...
(MEPCO) Seizes Growth Opportunity with Tissue Diversification

MEPCO OPERATIONS REPORT: With global tissue consumption projected to double in two decades, one...

The newly announced India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) will add even greater incentive to the rising young population and tourism boom fuelling growth. For the Middle East Paper Company...

Velvet Care: Poland’s tissue market leader seeing dynamic post-pandemic growth

Velvet Care has achieved a series of firsts in production capacity, workforce levels, turnover, quality and its Eco Agenda 2025. Wanda Ciesielczuk, Production and Technical Director, talks to TWM...

“A Europe-wide outlook is vital for us.”

By Tissue World magazine editor Helen Morris As the WEPA Group’s French mill, WEPA Lille’s location is key for understanding the dynamics within the French and European tissue markets It’s not surprising that...
Tissue World Magazine

Kimberly-Clark – Thailand’s prospects are strengthening

As urbanisation increases, so does demand for more varied and sophisticated tissue products. The tissue giant tells TWM why it has growing confidence in its Thai and Asian tissue operations. By Helen Morris, Senior...
Guided by experience: Lutfi Aydin

Turkey’s tissue leader sets its sights on becoming Russia’s largest producer

Already dominating in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Hayat Kimya continues its impressive growth programme, and targeted pandemic response in manufacturing and marketing. Lutfi Aydın, Global Tissue...
Tissue World Magazine

Sub-Sahara Africa: An expanding main market opportunity … long term

At Kimberley-Clark’s Enstra mill in South Africa they can’t make enough tissue to meet the demand. TWM spoke to the man who aims to steer the tissue giant towards that potential...
Tissue World Magazine

‘We are facing a sophistication of demand’

Only in Italy could there be a fibre di latte, one of many pioneering products of fibre experts Lucart at its Diecimo site. In a price war when competition is fierce, balanced expansion...


While initial capital investment in a mobile robot with control software and interfaces and changes to existing systems may cost close to $200,000, the return on investment is often...

“Dream” of second PM within reach for fiercely independent French hygiene producer

By Tissue World Magazine Senior Editor Helen Morris Already a market leader, quality product and location are key as MP Hygiene aims to clean up...

APP balancing overcapacity while positioning for huge potential growth

By Helen Morris, Tissue World Magazine editor China is grappling with an overheated market, too many PMs, ageing plants, a dangerous price war, sustainability, shifting consumer demands, and impressive 8.8% average annual...
Continued investments: Eczacıbaşı Consumer Products has full confidence in the potential of the Turkish tissue market

‘Changed consumer habits will bring Turkey’s per capita usage closer to that of developed...

At 6.3kg in Turkey - 26kg in the US – the figure has risen during the pandemic and will remain higher permanently, says Bilge Çiftçi, Chief Marketing Officer, Eczacıbaşı...
Tissue World Magazine


在墨西哥这一全球卫生纸行业巨头云集的市场,SCA 着眼增长、创新以及品牌产品,始终保持强大的竞争力。《世界卫生纸》前往 SCA 位于墨西哥城附近的 Sahagún 工厂了解最新信息。 通往 SCA Sahagún 工厂的道路壮丽无比。沿路风光仿佛令人置身于描绘墨西哥内陆风光的影片:宽阔的道路两旁是绵延数里的巨型仙人掌,更远处是一望无际的树林、沙土平原和山峦。就在到达工厂前,司机用西班牙语以及夸张的手势指着一条道路,这条路的尽头就是闻名遐迩的特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔。特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔矗立在墨西哥盆地之中,位于墨西哥城东北方约 30 英里处。金字塔建于公元前 300 年前后,是一座巨大城市的中心建筑。时至今日,这座城市仍然笼罩着神秘的气息,建城的目的和用途仍是一个谜。 · 不过这种神秘感并没有蔓延至 SCA 的工厂,因为其产量在全球卫生纸市场中占有不可忽视的分量。SCA工厂占地面积超过 100.3 万平方米,在规模和结构上与位于西班牙的 SCA Valls 工厂现代设施旗鼓相当。虽然 Sahagún 坐落于专门划定的工业区域内,但四周并无其他企业。工厂经理 Roberto Deleón 在接受采访并陪同我们巡视时告诉我们:“我们企业未来的扩展空间十分充足。”这位经理笑容可掬地迎接我们的到来,在会面过程中也是笑声不断。这座崭新的工厂于三年前才投入生产,是 2.1 亿美元投资的一部分。此后,投资 1000 万美元的全新配送中心项目启动,按照 Deleón 的话说,配送中心的落成将帮助工厂“提高成本效率,为市场需求做好准备”。配送中心每月将向墨西哥和拉美地区发货量超过...

Operations Report: Essity expects professional hygiene market is set to grow faster compared to...

Italian operations at Lucca and Collodi playing leading roles in new “more agile and competitive” Consumer Tissue Private Label division for Europe announced in 2021. Here, Riccardo Trionfera, Commercial...
Tissue World Magazine

With 2,000 different designs and products being exported to 40 countries, flexibility is key...

The Polish economy slowed but never entered in deep recession and now it’s poised again for another leap forward. TW visited one leading napkin producer determined to adapt to market demands...

OPERATIONS REPORT LC Paper: “AfH revenue to double in the next three years, AH...

With a new converting production site ready for start-up, Pau Vila, LC Paper’s General Manager, explains the new trends guiding consumer choices and the company’s innovative responses. A TWM...

‘We develop and innovate across the board…’

Dominant private label, high energy costs, influential NGOs, an ageing population... Metsä Tissue outlines its way forward in a challenging German market. Tissue World editor Helen Morris meets Christoph Zeiler, Metsä...

Operations Report: State-of-the-art-machinery gives Europap Tezol Kağit “a big opportunity”

In three years annual capacity rose from 95,000tpy to a projected 130,000tpy with an AHEAD 2.2S tissue line start up in 2023, boosting super-prime branded tissue products sold abroad...

Setting the standard on environmental performance

The tissue industry faces increasing pressure to make sure its water and energy consumption is environmentally sustainable as well as energy efficient. Here, Sofidel Group tells TW how its adoption of an Environmental Group...

LC Paper green ambitions

Green ambition, niche products and export potential hold the key to not just surviving but thriving through Spain’s economic crisis at LC Paper. “You don’t often see a mill with a philosophy...

WEPA Group: After the pandemic hit consumer business, 2022 is the year of recovery...

WEPA’s new strategies progressing product diversity, flexible machinery, recycled paper, packaging, hybrid products, and efficient renewable energy. Bernhard Gross, Managing Director WEPA Italia, talks to TWM. 

IPEL gearing up to ride the economic and industrial recovery

The hard-hit AfH sector is now back to pre-pandemic sales levels. Private label is structuring and professionalising while exports are targeted across South and Central America. IPEL’s Commercial Director...

KRUGER PRODUCTS OPERATIONS REPORT: Margin recovery, strong top-line growth, ramped up production … a...

Here, Kruger Products speaks to TWM about how it is building momentum through innovative products, marketing, and sustainability initiatives, as its expansion plans fuel growth across Canada and U.S.  As the leading...

Sopanusa Tissue to double capacity

Indonesia-based Sopanusa Tissue has announced plans to create a new company called Sun Paper Source that will double the company’s tissue capacity. In an interview at the company's site near Surabaya in...
Tissue World Magazine

IPI aims to strengthen its reach overseas

Faced with regional jumbo roll overcapacity, the loss of energy cost leverage, traditional neighbouring markets hit by security issues, Egypt’s Interstate Paper Industries’ strategy is to find new potential growth …...

“Brexit will bring its own challenges – we are ready for them.”

With plans to build a crucial tissue mill in the UK in 2022, the family behind LPC – having once made its own exit from the industry – is...
Tissue World Magazine

A tough modern makeover for the table top star ‘close to nowhere’ in Västra...

By Tissue World magazine editor Helen Morris After closures and a sharp market re-focus, global coloured tissue leader Duni’s SEK110m investment has brought its 5% mature market growth target into sight. Helen Morris...

Tissue World Milan: Global tissue ‘is reaching new peaks year after year’

Worldwide consumption stands at 36.3 million tonnes with estimated unmet potential at over 15 million tonnes in retail alone. As an increasingly complex and diverse marketplace presents great challenges and  opportunities, Tissue World Milan...

How the pandemic raised the demand for sustainable and innovative hygiene products, and may...

WEPA didn’t just think outside the box when the Covid-19 crisis hit, it created new boxes, says CEO Martin Krengel. Report by TWM Senior Editor Helen Morris.

World’s first NTT line boosts premium export drive to US

Located on the Mexican/US border, Fabrica de Papel San Francisco tells TW about expanding its export reach into the giant that lies at its shoulders and becoming the world’s first purchaser...

OPERATIONS REPORT Essity Valls: After the ‘big evolution’ the market is stabilising again

Spanish consumer tissue leader Essity Valls met the turmoil of recent years with its own rapid response. Miriam Guasch, Operations Director Manufacturing Spain, Global Supply Chain, charts how the...
Tissue World Magazine

İpek Kağıt set to double capacity at its Kazakhstan vantage point on Central Asia...

By Helen Morris, TWM editor The Turkish tissue manufacturer went the extra miles to take advantage of a vast geographical region of economic and social potential. Here, TWM interviews Hamdi Yazıcı, Central...