
Tissue World Magazine, Departments: Consumer Speak, Exitissues, Foex, Frontissues, Marketissues, and Operations Report

Tissue World Magazine

APP 平衡产能过剩问题,同时定位巨大的增长潜能

由《世界卫生纸》总编 Helen Morris 报导 中国正努力与过热的市场斗争,过剩的 PM、老化的工厂、危险的价格战、可持续性、变化的客户需求、8.8% 的年增长率,这完全能够再次催生出一个富有潜力的新领域。APP 中国卫生纸业务部门首席执行官 胡美花女士 向《世界卫生纸》介绍了她的企业战略。 金红叶纸业集团苏州工厂距离上海一个半小时车程,工厂所在的工业园区内,遍布着中国最重量级的制造企业。该厂拥有十台造纸机,161 条加工生产线,每年可生产 264,000 吨原纸。 该厂隶属于金光集团旗下的 APP(亚洲浆纸业有限公司)。过去几年来,APP 在该地区卫生纸市场的扩张令人吃惊——公司计划在中国及印尼工厂新投建 52 台造纸机。然而,今年五月,APP 宣布暂停其快速扩张的步伐,造纸机的投建安装将推迟一年,在 2015 年后陆续完成。其他 PM 也随之停步。 2006 年以来,金红叶在天津、沈阳、成都、武汉、福州、广东、海南及青岛建立了八个加工基地。目前,工厂每年共生产 800,000 吨家用原纸,年均加工 600,000 吨制成品。APP 中国卫生纸业务部门首席执行官 Evelyne Hu 向《世界卫生纸》透露了下一步的计划。   1. 您如何看待中国卫生纸市场的趋势? 胡美花女士...
Tissue World Magazine

河北义厚成将重锤出击, 在卫生纸领域投资20亿人民币

由《世界卫生纸》总编 Helen Morris 报导 河北义厚成的总经理田玉伟先生完整说明中国经济驱动元素和该企业如何通过已实施或计划中的最新科技方案、有集中的高级产品规划和改变中国卫生纸消费文化策略达到目标。 “我们的策略是在华北市场中扩大面巾纸的市场份额,”河北义厚成的总经理田玉伟先生在河北保定的工厂告诉我们。保定市距离北京约两小时的车程。“与华南的市场不同,这个市场还很有增长潜力。再过几年,我们将会领跑这一市场。” 设立在中国的乡村,通往工厂的泥路两旁种满了一排排桃树,树枝都被硕大的红桃压弯了。这间公司与自然的呼应能在工厂中体现:现场的员工们自己种植蔬菜,向日葵花床星罗点缀在纸厂和污水处理设施中,这个同时也是中国第一个同天然气而不是煤炭动力的卫生纸厂。这个厂占地600亩,还有很多扩展的空间。 河北义厚成主要生产宠物坐垫、卫生巾产品和湿巾,2014年5月才进入卫生纸市场,以一台安德里茨年产量25,000吨的PM1开始。第二台年产量25,000吨的纸机将会于明年开机;第三、四台纸机也将会来未来四年陆续到来,是易厚成20亿人民币投资的其中一部分,目标是完全投产后将生产20万吨每年。 在拥有16年生产卫生巾产品的经验后进入卫生纸市场,田总说出了卫生纸行业成功的多样化至关重要的一点:“我们必须进入卫生纸市场,”他说:“产能过剩在这里导致激烈的竞争以及价格战。我们其中一个主要的应对策略就是通过我们的品牌,在姐妹行业建立一个强势的品牌是关键。我们勇敢地进入卫生纸市场;我们已经拥有一个品牌,这是一个很大的优势。” 这间公司的志向很明确,尽管田总自己悄悄地说,不事张扬。通过翻译,田总说这间公司需要在卫生纸行业投资大量资金。“我们刚进入这个领域不久,但我们的起点很高,并使用最好的技术。这意味着我们在竞争中占有领先地位。” 安德里茨提供的PrimeLine Compact 纸机,拥有PrimeDry钢制扬克缸,速度每分钟1,650米,幅宽2.85米,是中国的首台这样的机器。义厚成也向安德里茨下单一架PM2,预计将会生产高质量的面巾纸产品。 义厚成工厂的卷筒纸和面巾纸占总产量的20%左右。把重点放在面巾纸上面,是由于市场差距以及在拥挤的市场中具有竞争力的举措,这同时也导致“不可避免的”价格战。 “我们在中国应对价格战的策略是我们的产品,”他说。“华北的消费者与华南的很不同:在华北,他们通常偏向比较有韧性,不易撕断的产品。在那里,卷筒纸的适用范围很广,整个家里都可能用到,包括在餐桌上。然而,在南方,人们比较喜欢柔软的产品,而且卷筒纸只会在洗手间里使用。” 品牌标识是关键:河北义厚成已经建立了一个新的卫生纸品牌“妮好”,一种拥有4个纸层的卷筒纸产品,田总说非常独特,高质量而且柔软。“我们倾听市场的声音,生产一种既柔又韧的卫生纸产品,并将会在华北市场推广,”他说。“在中国,面巾纸是主要的市场之一,而已经进入这个市场的造纸企业并没有先进的技术设备,但我们有。我们想成为这种产品在华北地区的领导者,因为暂时还没有这个文化。有这样的创新,我们相信会在价格战中取胜。” 这公司应对价格战的第二个策略是增加面巾纸的生产。“随着中国经济的不断增长,特别是在华南地区,”他说:“华南地区的人们在浴室里用更多更好的优质卷筒纸。 我们专注于北方的二、三线城市,而不是非常大的一线城市。也有出口的潜力,但不是面巾纸。如果生产超过需要,我们将出口,我们已经出口擦手纸到日本。” 田总说,消费者们对卫生纸的忠诚度不是很高,品牌营销中名人代言比较容易赢得关注。这种消费不是季节性的,很稳定,不受季节影响。 环保也是一个很重要的策略:政府在过去几年里出台了相关的法规,这对于整个卫生纸行业产生多米诺骨牌效应。田总说:“这对于小的卫生纸工厂来说是个很大的挑战,这导致许多工厂倒闭。随着产能过剩的问题,那些大量生产低成本而质量低的产品的工厂倒闭,我们相信这对于竞争而言是件好事。” 对河北义厚成来说,这些法规的出来是“一个机遇”。“我们想把这些较弱的竞争者挤出市场,而我们是通过生产高质量而环保的产品。凭借我们在卫生巾用品的市场经验,我们有一个良好的开端。”他说。 “环保产品是未来,我们将继续在这方面投资。我们想通过推广面巾纸和提高他的质量来改变人们的生活方式,由此获得良好的盈利。在这个行业面巾纸能卖比卷筒纸较好的价钱,利润也较好。它对我们而言潜力最大。”

“Dream” of second PM within reach for fiercely independent French hygiene producer

By Tissue World Magazine Senior Editor Helen Morris Already a market leader, quality product and location are key as MP Hygiene aims to clean up...
Tissue World Magazine

How Maxi is surviving Greece’s economic tragedy

Bankruptcies and closures saw an end to production at five paper machines in recent years, but with Greece still seeing the tissue market grow by 2.5%, just one new installation took...
Tissue World Magazine

Sub-Sahara Africa: An expanding main market opportunity … long term

At Kimberley-Clark’s Enstra mill in South Africa they can’t make enough tissue to meet the demand. TWM spoke to the man who aims to steer the tissue giant towards that potential...

Surge in tourists hiding the effects of Japan’s declining population

Tissue facing a challenge and an opportunity says JP Corelex Holdings president Mr. Hiroshi Kurosaki. Production balanced against demand is the key. Report by TWM senior editor Helen Morris. The first thing TWM notices...

Co-generation – Hayat Kimya takes a big leap into the future

The largest tissue manufacturer for the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa sets up a blueprint for controlling long-term energy costs at its Mersin site in southern Turkey as future expansion plans may...

Niche tissue… Independence, recycled paper, rapid response, flexibility, personalised and increasingly green products

French manufacturer Papeco director general Emmanuel Coulon explains his smart circular economy concept at his Normandy mill. Report: TWM Senior Editor Helen Morris. When I...
Export potential: L.C. Paper's Besalú, Girona-based site is incorporating new export destinations in South America and the Middle East.


TWM first met Joan Vila – chief executive, L.C. Paper – at the company’s Besalú, Girona-based site in 2013. As 2019 draws to a close, we return to interview the...

TISSUES are a must in the mountains

Lisa Pearson lives near Denbigh in north east Wales with her partner Owen and cat Guinness. She is a careers adviser working with teenagers in local schools and...

‘I hate to walk around looking like John Wayne’

Paul Seviour (far right) reveals why the wrong sort of loo roll doesn’t make his day “I have never been overly brand conscious and I certainly...

When a beautiful Danish model is in tears breaking up with her Boyfriend via...

Whether it’s wiping away the wrong make-up, padding out a little needed cleavage, or keeping the camera eyepiece dry, no fashion shoot ever has enough tissue. Douglas Voisin, a...
David Crosweller, co-founder charity 'Sanitation First', a charity based in north Wiltshire, England.


David Crosweller is the co-founder of the charity Sanitation First, a charity based in north Wiltshire, England, which currently works in Tamil Nadu, south-east India. We...

Improving runnability on tissue machines

Catanchem’s Gerhard Viljoen and aquaTECH’s Julien Arnold and David Hunkeler consider how to make savings, and get the most from the mill When tissue grades with high wet-strength resin (WSR) are being...
Tissue World Magazine

Understanding vibration to perform smart chatter monitoring

By BTG’s Florent Bougerolle BTG’s Florent Bougerolle talks to TWM about how doctor blade vibration monitoring helps tissue makers get valuable insight into costly coating upsets and Yankee chatter problems Significant financial losses...
Tissue World Magazine

Waste not – want not… the issue of disposability facing tissue nations

By Industry analyst Greg Grishchenko Even among developed ‘non-Western’ nations to ‘flush or not to flush’ is still the question. Tissue - the brightest segment in the world paper business - is growing...
Tissue World Magazine

UK consumer tissue industry after Brexit: taken to the cleaners?

As the United Kingdom is heavily dependent on imports of raw materials for its tissue industry, the country has been exposed to threatening market fluctuations in 2017. Steady rise of pulp and parent reels prices combined with...
Tissue World Magazine

Tissue takes on the looming issue of rapid decline in P&W

Costs concern as the supply and use of printing and writing papers - the primary source of recycled fibre for tissue/towel production – is...

Recent Publications from the Chinese Ministry of the Environment

Susan Cornish, Associate, Moore & Associates • “Imported Waste Management Catalog” (2017) • “Directory of Prohibited Solid Waste” • “Provisions of the...
Tissue World Magazine

French market shows evolving tissue trends are helping to buck a gloomy European marketplace

By Tissue World magazine editor Helen Morris As a Francophile it doesn’t surprise me in the least that French shoppers are bucking the trend, in more ways than one. The standard model economic...
Tissue World Magazine

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joins the world market – official

There have been calls recently for the inclusion of Vietnam among the MINT economies … the next major set of emerging nations comprised of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey. V, unfortunately,...
Tissue World Magazine

India – the world’s greatest untapped market

              India - the world’s greatest untapped market In no other country is so great a potential so apparently locked out of reach. India has untapped retail tissue growth estimated at US$12 billion, 4.5 million tonnes....
Tissue World Magazine

Pulp and Paper United do the nation proud

Let’s describe general economic performance in recent years as a football match … why not, this is Brazil after all: it has been an end-to-end thriller. TWM must first apologise to those across the...

Disley Tissue starts up

UK-based Disley Tissue has boosted its capacity with the successful start up of a Metso-supplied Yankee Advantage AirCap hood and Advantage WetDust dust control system. Disley Tissue starts up Metso-supplied Yankee hood...

Wausau Paper to narrow focus to tissue business

Wausau Paper has started a process to identify “strategic alternatives” for its paper segment that will position its focus on the growth of its tissue business. It recently began the start-up phase...
Tissue World Magazine

Metso receives repeat order from Turkey’s Hayat Kimya

Hayat Kimya has announced at Tissue World 2013 that it has signed for a repeat order for two complete tissue lines from Metso for an undisclosed sum. Each production line will include...
Tissue World Magazine

Kazakhstan – emerging tissue market leader in Central Asia

By Greg Grishchenko, Industry Expert Before the world economic crisis of 2008-2009 reached Kazakhstan, its local tissue market grew at 10% per year. Industry expert Greg Grishchenko gets the latest. Along with the...
Tissue World Magazine

Will Asian tissue suppliers capture the whole world?

By Esko Uutela, principal, tissue, RISI Global tissue consumption has returned onto its steady growth trend line of 4% per year after only a small bend on the growth curve caused by...
Tissue World Magazine

“Exceptionally strong growth” at 4% for the global tissue industry in 2015

By Esko Uutela Last year was “above-average” for the global tissue business with worldwide tissue consumption growing to 34.8 million tonnes, up by more than 1.3 million tonnes from 2014. TWM hears...
Tissue World Magazine

PIX Pulp indices 11.11.2014

By FOEX Indexes’ Lars Halén and Timo Teräs NBSK pulp Europe September 2014 market pulp statistics were stronger than expected, even when taking into account the seasonal factors. Delivery numbers were stronger...
Tissue World Magazine

PIX Pulp indices 26.5.2015

By FOEX Indexes’ Lars Halén and Timo Teräs NBSK pulp Europe UTIPULP (the group of European market wood pulp users) April market pulp consumption data came out showing a nice, nearly 4% increase...
Tissue World Magazine

PIX Pulp indices 26.7.2016

By FOEX Indexes’ Lars Halén and Timo Teräs               NBSK Pulp Europe Utipulp statistics show BSKP consumption down by 1.4% from May but up by 2.3% when compared to June last year. Consumer inventories...

Almost 255 years in operation under 10 generations of the family

Gomà-Camps tells TW how it draws on its history in order to stay one step ahead of the game By Helen Morris, Tissue World editor As tissue plaDuring the steep and winding approach to...

LC Paper green ambitions

Green ambition, niche products and export potential hold the key to not just surviving but thriving through Spain’s economic crisis at LC Paper. “You don’t often see a mill with a philosophy...

Bringing manufacturing ownership back to a region which once led the world

Northwood’s recent acquisitions in the UK’s AfH tissue market has propelled it to the number three spot in the sector. Now with its latest joint venture Northwood & Wepa acquiring the former Georgia- Pacific...

Setting the standard on environmental performance

The tissue industry faces increasing pressure to make sure its water and energy consumption is environmentally sustainable as well as energy efficient. Here, Sofidel Group tells TW how its adoption of an Environmental Group...
Tissue World Magazine

‘The opportunity for the tissue market to grow here in Mexico is huge’

In a market full of the largest global tissue players, SCA is keeping competitive by targeting growth, innovation and branded products. TW visits its Sahagún plant near Mexico City to get...

World’s first NTT line boosts premium export drive to US

Located on the Mexican/US border, Fabrica de Papel San Francisco tells TW about expanding its export reach into the giant that lies at its shoulders and becoming the world’s first purchaser...
Tissue World Magazine


Atlas Paper、Cascades Rockingham、Roses Southwest Paper 以及 Von Drehle:《世界卫生纸》到访美国东南部,了解部分重要生产商的最新发展动态。   另外,Fisher International 重点关注这一地区的卫生纸和卫生纸生产。——《世界卫生纸》特别报道。 Atlas Paper Mills:Jim Brown,首席执行官 Atlas Paper Mills 使用再生纤维加工卫生纸,年产量超过 5 万吨,其制造工艺不会生成氯以及氯衍生物。公司为居家外(AfH)市场和廉价零售市场提供 400 万箱环保面巾纸和卫生纸,另外也从事厨房卷纸、硬卷面巾纸和中抽式面巾纸的加工。 这家位于迈阿密的工厂加工经拣选的办公室废杂纸(SOP)和涂布书籍纸(CBS)以及采购自佛罗里达的白色账簿纸。企业还拥有自己的品牌产品,且均使用可再生纤维制造。 Atlas 首席执行官 Jim Brown 告诉《世界卫生纸》:“我们公司使用可再生纤维生产优质产品,除了可持续性之外,产品手感柔软,价格也低于竞争产品。” “Atlas 正处于发展的有利时机,公司正蓄势待发迎接增长,争取占据行业领导地位。” Atlas Paper Mills的增长: 公司最近被奥斯丁私募公司Peak Rock Capital 收购,该私募公司专注于领先型中间市场公司的投资。Brown 表示,此举意味着公司“将从Peak...
Tissue World Magazine


在墨西哥这一全球卫生纸行业巨头云集的市场,SCA 着眼增长、创新以及品牌产品,始终保持强大的竞争力。《世界卫生纸》前往 SCA 位于墨西哥城附近的 Sahagún 工厂了解最新信息。 通往 SCA Sahagún 工厂的道路壮丽无比。沿路风光仿佛令人置身于描绘墨西哥内陆风光的影片:宽阔的道路两旁是绵延数里的巨型仙人掌,更远处是一望无际的树林、沙土平原和山峦。就在到达工厂前,司机用西班牙语以及夸张的手势指着一条道路,这条路的尽头就是闻名遐迩的特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔。特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔矗立在墨西哥盆地之中,位于墨西哥城东北方约 30 英里处。金字塔建于公元前 300 年前后,是一座巨大城市的中心建筑。时至今日,这座城市仍然笼罩着神秘的气息,建城的目的和用途仍是一个谜。 · 不过这种神秘感并没有蔓延至 SCA 的工厂,因为其产量在全球卫生纸市场中占有不可忽视的分量。SCA工厂占地面积超过 100.3 万平方米,在规模和结构上与位于西班牙的 SCA Valls 工厂现代设施旗鼓相当。虽然 Sahagún 坐落于专门划定的工业区域内,但四周并无其他企业。工厂经理 Roberto Deleón 在接受采访并陪同我们巡视时告诉我们:“我们企业未来的扩展空间十分充足。”这位经理笑容可掬地迎接我们的到来,在会面过程中也是笑声不断。这座崭新的工厂于三年前才投入生产,是 2.1 亿美元投资的一部分。此后,投资 1000 万美元的全新配送中心项目启动,按照 Deleón 的话说,配送中心的落成将帮助工厂“提高成本效率,为市场需求做好准备”。配送中心每月将向墨西哥和拉美地区发货量超过...