July / August 2015

    Svetlana Uduslivaia, Euromonitor International’s head of tissue & hygiene industry

    Kazakhstan: healthy growth and opportunities ahead in consumer tissue

    By Svetlana Uduslivaia, head of tissue & hygiene industry, Euromonitor International  Although not as much in the spotlight as its larger neighbours Russia and China, Kazakhstan offers good opportunities for growth in consumer...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Karina poised to build on four years of 11% sales growth

    When the Kazakhstan company first offered kitchen towels many years ago store buyers asked why they needed such wide toilet paper. It’s come a long way since then. Greg Grishchenko reports. In...
    Tissue World Magazine

    İpek Kağıt set to double capacity at its Kazakhstan vantage point on Central Asia...

    By Helen Morris, TWM editor The Turkish tissue manufacturer went the extra miles to take advantage of a vast geographical region of economic and social potential. Here, TWM interviews Hamdi Yazıcı, Central...

    Antibacterial kitchen wipes so perfect at messy meal times

    With a demanding toddler to look after, self-confessed lazy shopper Gemma O’reilly, a mum and journalist who lives in west London, has had to think again about her tissue...
    Tissue World Magazine

    PIX Pulp indices 26.5.2015

    By FOEX Indexes’ Lars Halén and Timo Teräs NBSK pulp Europe UTIPULP (the group of European market wood pulp users) April market pulp consumption data came out showing a nice, nearly 4% increase...

    Is there a limit to environmental advancement in tissue’s current industry model?

    By Joan Vila, chief executive of L.C. Paper 1881 A purchasing manager told me recently that we have reached the limits of invention in tissue. He was wrong on all counts –...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Nuqul’s Al-Sindian mill sets the standard for environmental and commercial success

    Management commitment to sustainability, employee engagement, enhanced public image, competitive advantage and financial benefits… that’s what taking control of natural resources has delivered for a MENA leader. Waheed Al-Qannas, operation manager...

    The Barometer Issue – One year on… you report back on your progress

    By Tissue World magazine editor Helen Morris In 2014, TWM visited a number of mills from around the world – from Argentina, Mexico, Benelux, Italy, East China and Russia - for the...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Intercontinental growth – tissue parent roll trade pushing back the boundaries

    By Esko Uutela, Principal, Tissue, RISI A global tissue business in excess of 2.6 million tonnes a year and providing 35% of all tissue sold internationally, bulk parent roll trade offers new...
    Tissue World Magazine, World News

    2015 July/August Europe News

    GERMANY Man killed in accident at Metsä Tissue’s Stotzheim facility in Germany A 41-year-old truck driver was killed in an accident at Metsä Tissue’s Stotzheim facility in Euskirchen in Germany on 29 April. According...


    São Paulo launch is a Tissue World winner with Brazilian flair. Here, TWM summarises some of the key talks from the three day conference. Tissue World’s first venture into the vibrant South...