Technical Theme

Tissue World Magazine, Technical Theme: Chemicals, Converting, Environment, Logistics, Packaging, Paper Machine, and Pulping / Fibre

Technical Theme: Körber Business Area Tissue targets e-commerce and sustainable packaging with launch of...

A significant increase in the on-line purchase of tissue products, brought about by the pandemic, is the latest trend for the global packaging market. Nicolò Squarzoni, Product Manager at...
Tissue World Magazine Canada


Paul Bicho, PhD Manager, optimisation and innovation, Canfor Pulp Innovation High tensile strength pulp, major reforest planting, a bio-crude oil program, and a commitment to...


An accurate field test to improve detection and measurement of dusting and linting during tissue production has major significance for cost and customer satisfaction. Kemira’s Clay Campbell, senior manager...

Fibre of the future

With substantially more softwood pulp capacity coming on stream, what are the benefits for the tissue maker?​ Södra Cell’s marketing director Marcus Hellberg talks to TWM. A TWM report. The steady growth...

The right chemistry to lower your pulp costs

By Mark Christopher, global market development manager – Tissue, Buckman, Daniel Glover, innovation director – Pulp & Paper, Buckman Daniel Glover Innovation director – Pulp...

Is there a limit to environmental advancement in tissue’s current industry model?

By Joan Vila, chief executive of L.C. Paper 1881 A purchasing manager told me recently that we have reached the limits of invention in tissue. He was wrong on all counts –...
Tissue World Magazine


Södra启动Värö扩建项目以满足卫生纸制造商的需求 ——《世界卫生纸》报道。 2014年2月24日,Södra董事会通过了一项40亿瑞典克朗的投资,用于其瑞典 Värö纸浆厂的重大扩建。该项目是十年来全球最大的针叶浆产能扩建项目,旨在满足卫生纸制造商的需求。 虽然南美洲的阔叶浆产能激增,但针叶浆却是另一番光景。卫生纸行业中,越来越多的针叶浆被阔叶浆取代,这也是阔叶浆产能迅速增加的部分原因。 但是,由于针叶浆对成品的强度至关重要,它所占的比例越小,质量要求越高。针叶浆厂的产能利用率稳步上升,而阔叶浆的产能利用率却在朝着相反方向发展,在可以预见的未来,卫生纸需求量将稳步增长。这些都意味着,作为卫生纸生产理想的原材料,针叶浆产能的扩大非常及时。 为了使Värö的纸浆产能从目前的42.5万吨/年上升至70万吨/年,供应商的选择工作目前已经展开。Värö将成为全球最大的针叶硫酸盐纸浆生产商之一。 通过对纸浆历史的简要介绍,Värö在卫生纸制造行业的重要性可见一斑。随着销售目的地向亚洲转移,加拿大针叶牛皮浆从20世纪90年代中期开始大量退出,不再作为欧洲卫生纸制造商的选择。欧洲卫生纸制造商使用加拿大纸浆打造了以优质水平和加固特性著称的品牌。Södra旗下以云杉梳伐为基础的Black Z,柔软度和强度兼顾,正好满足了他们对满足特定性能的纸浆的需求。为此,Värö采取必要的生产和市场措施,将面向卫生纸厂的产量比重从原先的10-15%提高至约70%,从约3万吨/年增至30万吨/年,吨数为原来的10倍。 虽然断言增产部分用于卫生纸行业的比重为时尚早,但卫生纸市场仍然具有举足轻重的作用,这将在造纸厂需要提供的纸浆特性中得以反映。针叶浆纤维是卫生纸强度的保证,当用量相对较小,特别是对卫生纸柔软度又有一定要求时,卫生纸制造商无法通过“任何陈旧的针叶浆”提高卫生纸强度。Södra发现57种采用Black Z的Värö卫生纸纸浆被广泛用于各类产品组合,这代表了卫生纸制造上对纤维的需求。 位于瑞典南部(Södra在瑞典语中意为南方)的Värö成立于1972年,员工约330人,良好的地理位置为其提供了性质独特的森林资源。北欧北部地区的温暖天气持续时间很短,经过短暂而急速的生长期后,纤维壁更薄,也更适合用于柔软的卫生纸。以辐射松为主的南欧地区则恰恰相反,全年的生长期相对恒定,纤维壁较厚,柔软度方面的表现并不出色。 在Värö附近,森林的生长特性介于两个极端之间,能够满足柔软度的要求。Södra通过森林疏伐选择树龄较短、纤维壁较薄的木材,用于生产柔软的卫生纸产品。由于植被到达一定的生长阶段后,森林需要借助疏伐来获得繁茂成长的空间,而疏伐获得的木材无法用于建筑行业,因此形成了Södra和森林双赢的局面。正是基于以上原因,Värö可以获得理想的原材料并进行增值性加工,而这些原材料几乎是良好森林管理的副产品。 除了Värö卫生纸产量的提高外,新近宣布的投资项目还意味着造纸厂能效的提升。Värö在日常运营中已不再使用石化燃料,新项目的启动会进一步提高绿色能源的供应。项目管理团队坚信该项目将满足所有环境要求,他们正与当局合作,打消当局对环境影响的担忧。在可持续性发展方面,Värö 目前可以向所有有需求的采购者提供FSC认证的纸浆,这一情况仍将持续。 过去十年,随着全新回收锅炉、蒸发装置和苛性化装置的配备,Värö的环保表现迎来了转变。2011年,Värö新近投资添置了两台分别由Andritz和GL&V提供的筛选装置,用于改进污垢含量。随后企业又进行了由内部设计和实施的流程控制升级,以提高亮度水平的一致性。2014年安装完成的全新石灰窑是流程回收部分全面更新的最后一步,整个过程耗时仅仅十年。上述所有投资都已考虑到未来的扩展,并将为新增产能提供空间。从这个意义上来说,它们代表着令人振奋的全新阶段的开始。临近的锯木厂也已整装待发,应对木屑需求的增长。   卫生纸纸浆的发展 通过Värö的扩展,Södra不仅能够实现其在卫生纸行业地位的扩大,也能继续对卫生纸生产所需的针叶浆进行优化。Värö的产能扩至70万吨/年后,Södra的整体市场纸浆产能将提高20%。为此,企业需要投资配备最先进的技术,为Södra卫生纸纸浆未来的发展铺平道路。 对于Värö增产的重要作用,Södra卫生纸业务区域经理Marcus Hellberg表示:“造纸厂位置优越,能够利用卫生纸纸浆生产所需的理想原材料。除了原材料,工艺最为重要。这项大型投资将巩固我们在关键市场的领导地位,增加市场份额。” 工艺流程从锯木厂就已开始,如今,企业对适用于卫生纸生产的原材料的选择投入了前所未有的关注。随后的去皮削片流程已经升级,能够提供更为平均的木屑尺寸用于蒸煮。如果造纸厂需要处理大小不一的木屑,那蒸煮作用的程度更具随机性。Värö流程经理 Knut Omholt表示:“对所有纸品制造商而言,一致性非常重要,但卫生纸消费者对一致性的需求更大。”通过对木屑尺寸的管理以及其他专有改进,蒸煮流程在过去十年间不断优化,从而在更大程度上实现原材料的潜能,尤其是强度方面的表现。 Omholt继续说道:“如果卫生纸制造商使用品质不一的纸浆,他们需要对流程做出更多调整,如匀浆的程度,这将对走纸性产生影响。”这也会对最终产品的特性产生影响。 “我们的目标是在流程中使强度得以最大化,尽量减少制浆后期的匀浆工序。获得强度所需的匀浆工序越少,制浆所产卫生纸的柔软度越高。通过新的扩建,我们将继续对流程进行优化。”随着回收流程的到位,新近产能扩建项目的关键技术问题是对现有纸浆生产线进行全面重建的程度。 特定技术将在相应进程中宣布,但目标非常明确。Hellberg表示:“我们对所有纸浆等级的品质深感自豪,但这并不意味着停滞不前。对柔软度和强度的市场预期不断增加,我们需要为此做好准备。客户关注的是最佳产品的选择,因此任何扩建项目都必须以质量改善为前提。” 在可预见的未来,Södra可以通过上述项目在卫生纸纸浆行业发挥带头作用。Södra首席执行官兼集团总裁Lars Idermark表示:“这一扩建是企业战略的关键部分,也是业务发展的必经之路。我们的目标是成为客户的第一选择。” 除了纸浆产量的提高外,这一投资项目还意味着Värö能效的提升。

AI evolves to put simplicity and accuracy into focus for quality packaging inspection: Packaging...

Körber Tissue has integrated the latest artificial intelligence to provide the most effective solution for primary packaging quality inspection. Nicolò Squarzoni, Product Manager - Packaging and Digital, discusses how...
Tissue World Magazine

Pulp: signs that prices are finally levelling

Pulp price is the single most important driver of tissue profitability. Currently at a record high, analysts point towards a temporarily more static market, and even a modest decrease. Report for TWM...


Leading companies outline advances in technology targeting integration, automation, bioplastics, energy, swing line flexibility, rewinding, embossing, folding, engraving, turn-key solutions, heated rolls and digital services
Tissue World Magazine

Tissue and towel packaging: consumers demand higher quality.

Technical Theme: key technical developments from across the packaging machinery industry. A TWM report.  In recent years, the tissue market in North America has shifted dramatically to structured sheet, high-quality, product-branded and private-label products. Similarly, packaging needs...
Tissue World Magazine

Taking a closer look at innovation and sustainability

By Solenis’ Todd Sarraf and Ronald Staib In every region of the world, the tissue market is experiencing exciting expansion. Consequently, although the specific challenges and opportunities vary depending on the...

Fibre-based packaging

Pirkko Petäjä, Principal, Poyry Management Consulting Paper packaging of tissue has woken a lot of interest and many producers have made tests and trials together...
Tissue World Magazine

Intelli-Tissue® machine in China

PMP Group has signed a contract with Chinese producer Henan Hulijia Industrial CO to install an Intelli-Tissue® 900 EcoEc line. The Intelli-Tissue® 900 EcoEc machine has a double-press configuration, a design speed...

Paper Machine Technical Theme: Industry 4.0 – energy – cost optimisation – high-quality grades...

Top companies highlight their ongoing advances in technology. A TWM report. TWM/1: What have been the most important technical developments...


By Kemira Chemicals’ Tiago de Assis, Research Scientist, R&D & Technology, and Lucyna Pawlowska, Senior Applications Specialist, Strength & Tissue. Tiago de Assis Research Scientist, R&D &...
Josh Goulet, Account Manager, Edson

Opportunity for suppliers to assume dual roles of project management and integrator for full...

Case study: Josh Goulet, Account Manager, Edson, discusses designing and installing automation into end-of-line packaging for diaper manufacturers. A TWM report. There was a time not...
Tissue World Magazine

Raptor SL integrates features from top-of-the-range packers

                  Chris Bladek, marketing specialist, Edson Packaging Machinery, discusses the latest case packaging design innovations in the Raptor SL case packer. A TWM report. The tissue packaging industry is continually evolving and  demanding reliable, easy to...
Richard Cho, Global marketing director, Solenis.


The hard hit Away-from-Home market is set to rebound, and is expected to be stronger than ever. Richard Cho, global marketing director at Solenis, says now is the time...
Tissue World Magazine

Tissue colour safety standards have got tougher … and will get tougher still

Only a rapid and flexible response to the increasing safety concerns of legislators and consumers will succeed. Here, Simon Boyd, global product manager colourants, Paper Solutions Business, Archroma, offers one company’s...
Tissue World Magazine

Södra invests to make its totally chlorine-free pulp stronger still

Latest developments at Södra’s Mönsterås mill in Sweden target tissue makers favouring TCF pulp. The company talks to TWM about responding to customer demand for an equally bright but even more...


‘In the near future a learning machine will be capable of autonomously interpreting data and improving on its own performance under every condition.’ Leading converting machinery suppliers highlight their...
Tissue World Magazine

Kemira KemView™ Gen II Sheet Structure Analyser for tissue

By Kemira’s Clay Campbell, global business development, senior mgr. Kemira, and Lucyna Pawlowska, tissue process application specialist, Kemira Clay Campbell Senior manager, Global business...

HMI redefined: a radical technological change in Human Machine Interface (HMI) hardware – and...

Technical Theme: key technical developments from across the packaging machinery industry. A TWM report. OPTIMA Nonwoven’s Gustav Marwitz discusses the recent research results. Smartphones and tablets are continually driving tissue machine operator’s expectations from packaging equipment....
Tissue World Magazine

Cutting energy costs and improving product quality vital priorities

Tissue World interviews the world’s main tissue machinery manufacturers to get the latest on their technical and commercial know-how TW/1: WHAT HAVE BEEN THE MOST IMPORTANT TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS AT YOUR COMPANY DURING...
Tissue World Magazine

Cascades launches facial tissue product

Cascades Tissue Group has extended its Cascades Moka line with the launch of what it claims is the first-ever unbleached, 100% recycled beige facial tissue. The company said the single-use paper product...

The Challenge – to find a high quality and industry compatible bioplastic

Plastic – hundreds of millions of tonnes of it every year – has been intrinsic to tissue product packaging. So the urgently needed bioplasticreplacement...
Tissue World Magazine

New OnePly product that “easily competes with TAD and NTT”

Spain’s LC Paper won Tissue World Milan’s prestigious Most Energy-Aware Mill Award. Here, chief executive Joan Vila talks through the development process which led the independent niche tissue producer to energy savings of...

UPM’s $3.47bn investment is largest in its history

‘Step change’ project includes new pulp mill in Paso de los Toros, a new terminal at Montevideo’s deep sea port, community developments in housing, landfill and waste water treatment ... and...

The hybrid designed to combine speed, box size range and production capacity: Packaging Technical...

DIVERSA is STAX Technologies’ answer to a trend which emerged as online sales increased. Mladen Starcevic, President and Executive Vice President Tissue Packaging, explains the history of its development...
Tissue World Magazine, World News

World’s first Advantage NTT to be started up

World’s first Advantage NTT tissue line to be started up Mexican-based Fabrica De Papel San Francisco is to start up the world’s first tissue line based on Metso’s Advantage NTT concept. The new...
Tissue Industry's Evolution with AI and Energy Efficiency Trends

CONVERTING TECHNICAL THEME: “These times are definitely exciting” – with key issues ranging from...

TWM/1: How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) changing your business, and what opportunities and challenges are there for the tissue industry generally in adapting and advancing with AI? Cristian Giuliani, Vice President, Global...
Tissue World Magazine

Revolutionary breakthrough in tissue packaging?

Mladen Starcevic, the founder and general manager of Stax Technologies, explains why he believes the company’s ULTIMA product is breaking new ground. A TWM report. Technical packaging innovations during the past 50 years have...

Why multi-tasking LGV beats automated mobile robots in automation

William Nelson, President, Elettric80, explains how a fit-for-purpose logistics system is only as good as its driver … its brain making nanosecond decisions all day, every day.
Tissue World Magazine

Key innovations in the search for perfection on the converting line

We asked the world’s leading converting machinery manufacturers to explain where their R&D efforts are leading them for TWM’s annual Converting Technical Theme. Gambini, Futura, PCMC, Maflex and MTorres responded. What events...

WEPA Group: European sustainability pioneer advances its targets across entire value chain

Stefan Gräter, Head of Sustainability at WEPA Group, discusses the key aspects of the company's recently published sustainability report. A TWM report.  Stefan Gräter, Head...

Sofidel: As fossil free technology is not yet in sight…multiple green options may be...

Sofidel’s emissions reduction targets have recently been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Here, TWM...
Tissue World Magazine

Packaging, Wrapping & Logistics: Technical Theme

The global packaging machinery market is estimated to be worth €35.6bn in 2020. Here, our Technical Theme brings you a selection of some of the most recent innovations and the trends...

Soft options

Södra Cell Värö has transformed itself into a tissue-focussed mill with pioneering environmental credentials. A TW report With hindsight, would you have re- orientated a softwood pulp mill towards the tissue market...

PACKAGING TECHNICAL THEME: Flexibility, precision, reliability and speed – overcoming the rigors of industrial...

Edson has launched its 4000TL-Robotic Top Load Case Packer. Josh Goulet, Account Manager at Edson, outlines its qualities. A TWM report. In the fast-paced world of manufacturing and packaging, efficiency, precision, and...