Svecom launches pneumomechanical CHUCK MOD. 714 MZA

Svecom has showcased its newly launched pneumomechanical CHUCK MOD. 714 MZA at Tissue World Miami. The company said it is a revolutionary product to be...

Voith highlights ATMOS technology

Voith has showcased its ATMOS technology for ultra premium tissue at Tissue World Americas 2014. The company said that as a pioneer in the sustainable...

Sofidel showcases latest sustainability developments

Sofidel, the world’s second largest manufacturer of tissue paper in Europe, has showcased its latest sustainable developments and innovations at Tissue World Miami. The tissue...

OMET to showcase automatic napkin production

OMET is to showcase its extensive range of tissue converting equipment. This year the company has exceeded 700 installations of tissue converting machines worldwide. At Tissue...

Thurs 20 March: conference talk snapshot

Morning session 1. Julian Velazques-Vidal, business development manager, Ikea Trading, USA & France The IKEA Group Sustainability Direction for 2020: PEOPLE & PLANET POSITIVE IKEA...

Fabio Perini showcases latest innovations

Fabio Perini has showcased its latest innovations and advanced technology at Tissue World Americas 2014. The company is showing its latest converting and tissue packaging...

EDT showcases Enzymatic Fibre Modification developments

Enzymatic Deinking Technologies (EDT) is showcasing its latest Enzymatic Fibre Modification developments. The modification “ultimately leads to a reduction in the tissue industry’s carbon footprint,”...

Pulsar Italy showcases new subsidiary Pulsar America

Pulsar Italy’s newly launched American subsidiary Pulsar America has showcased its latest developments at Tissue World Miami. The division provides conveying and distribution systems and...

Valmet showcases latest tissue making concepts

Valmet has showcased its three tissue making concepts covering the whole product range from conventional to textured and structured tissue. Some 65 Advantage DCT tissue...

19 March: conference talks snapshot: RISI, Poyry, Mintel

1. Esko Uutela, tissue principal consultant, RISI, Germany New Tissue Supply in the Americas and Impact on Supply/Demand Balance The North American tissue business is...

UNGRICHT exhibits latest design development

UNGRICHT showcases new possibilities of design development at Tissue World Miami. The company has been producing embossing and Anilox rollers for many years, but it...

METTLER TOLEDO exhibits two product inspection systems

In-line product inspection systems manufacturer METTLER TOLEDO has exhibited two product inspection systems at Tissue World Miami. The company exhibited two of its precise high-speed...

Toscotec showcases better drying performance developments

Toscotec is to showcase its TT Drying Optimisation for Energy Saving (TT DOES). The company said in times of rising energy costs and pressure on...

Tissue World Americas 2014: first show day and launch of TRIF

Tissue World Americas 2014 has opened its show doors and kicked off its second day of conference sessions with the launch of the Tissue...

Mexico: “The opportunity to grow is huge”

When TW visited Mexico for this issue’s Country Report it was easy to see why it has made it into the MINTs (Mexico, Indonesia,...

The Mexican C class dilemma: Nice tissue or a Starbucks? Caffeine...

By IAN BELL, Euromonitor International’s global head of tissue and hygiene research Mexico is an interesting market for tissue products; on the one hand, it...

Gaining efficiency with smarter investment

A new Yankee hood and air system installed in August 2013 has resulted in substantial energy savings, according to Wepa mill director Maurizio Lattanzi....

Quick Look: Southeast USA Towel and Tissue Production

By Bill Burns, senior consultant, Fisher International The Southeastern United States represents about 40% of the total United States’ towel and tissue production. There are...

World’s first NTT line boosts premium export drive to US

Located on the Mexican/US border, Fabrica de Papel San Francisco tells TW about expanding its export reach into the giant that lies at its...

‘The opportunity for the tissue market to grow here in Mexico...

In a market full of the largest global tissue players, SCA is keeping competitive by targeting growth, innovation and branded products. TW visits its...

‘Tissue use has been transformed in Algeria’

Originally from Algeria, 67-year-old Omar Chabane is a former senior paper industry officer who has served the sector for more than 35...

Minimise downtime Reduce footprints Increase flexibility

Tissue World asked the world’s leading converting machinery manufacturers to comment on where their R&D efforts are heading in our annual converting technical theme....

Growth in the European tissue business moving from West to East

By ESKO UUTELA, Principal,Tissue, RISI Russian tissue market alone expected to grow more than German and UK markets combined. We do not yet have statistics for...

PIX Pulp indices 14.1.14

By LARS HALEN, Senior Manager, FOEX Indexes and TIMO TERAS, Managing Director, FOEX Indexes NBSK pulp Europe The softwood pulp market had a difficult start for...

Focus on: south eastern USA

Atlas Paper, Cascades Rockingham, Roses Southwest Paper and Von Drehle: TW visited the southeast of America to get the latest developments from some of...

Distribution Special: 10 strategies to optimise warehouse operations

When aligning warehouse and distribution centre logistics with business strategies, it pays to be as efficient as possible. US-based Dematic’s Ken Ruehrdanz, manager, distribution...


在墨西哥这一全球卫生纸行业巨头云集的市场,SCA 着眼增长、创新以及品牌产品,始终保持强大的竞争力。《世界卫生纸》前往 SCA 位于墨西哥城附近的 Sahagún 工厂了解最新信息。 通往 SCA Sahagún 工厂的道路壮丽无比。沿路风光仿佛令人置身于描绘墨西哥内陆风光的影片:宽阔的道路两旁是绵延数里的巨型仙人掌,更远处是一望无际的树林、沙土平原和山峦。就在到达工厂前,司机用西班牙语以及夸张的手势指着一条道路,这条路的尽头就是闻名遐迩的特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔。特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔矗立在墨西哥盆地之中,位于墨西哥城东北方约 30 英里处。金字塔建于公元前 300 年前后,是一座巨大城市的中心建筑。时至今日,这座城市仍然笼罩着神秘的气息,建城的目的和用途仍是一个谜。 · 不过这种神秘感并没有蔓延至 SCA 的工厂,因为其产量在全球卫生纸市场中占有不可忽视的分量。SCA工厂占地面积超过 100.3 万平方米,在规模和结构上与位于西班牙的 SCA Valls 工厂现代设施旗鼓相当。虽然 Sahagún 坐落于专门划定的工业区域内,但四周并无其他企业。工厂经理 Roberto Deleón...


撰稿:Bill Burns,Fisher International 高级顾问 美国东南部的面巾纸和卫生纸产量约占全美总产量的 40%, 其中的四分之三被三家大型生产商所主导(图 1)。东南部的生产主要集中在乔治亚州、阿拉巴马州和南卡罗来纳州 (图 2)。乔治亚州的产量位列第一,年产量达 75.8 万公吨。 这一地区的造纸厂采用的机器配置各不相同:这里既有以 Thru Air Dry (TAD) 技术为主的造纸厂,也有将传统湿压 (CWP) 技术用于干湿皱纸配置的造纸厂。有些工厂一边使用着 20 世纪的成型器、压力机和干燥机,一边又安装了最新的 TAD 和类似 TAD 的配置。从分布情况看,产能在...


Atlas Paper、Cascades Rockingham、Roses Southwest Paper 以及 Von Drehle:《世界卫生纸》到访美国东南部,了解部分重要生产商的最新发展动态。   另外,Fisher International 重点关注这一地区的卫生纸和卫生纸生产。——《世界卫生纸》特别报道。 Atlas Paper Mills:Jim Brown,首席执行官 Atlas Paper Mills 使用再生纤维加工卫生纸,年产量超过 5 万吨,其制造工艺不会生成氯以及氯衍生物。公司为居家外(AfH)市场和廉价零售市场提供 400 万箱环保面巾纸和卫生纸,另外也从事厨房卷纸、硬卷面巾纸和中抽式面巾纸的加工。 这家位于迈阿密的工厂加工经拣选的办公室废杂纸(SOP)和涂布书籍纸(CBS)以及采购自佛罗里达的白色账簿纸。企业还拥有自己的品牌产品,且均使用可再生纤维制造。 Atlas 首席执行官 Jim Brown 告诉《世界卫生纸》:“我们公司使用可再生纤维生产优质产品,除了可持续性之外,产品手感柔软,价格也低于竞争产品。” “Atlas...

全球首条 NTT 生产线大力推动高端产品对美国的出口

Fabrica de Papel San Francisco 位于墨西哥和美国边境,公司在接受《世界卫生纸》的采访时介绍了自己如何扩大对美国的出口并成为全球首家采用 NTT 技术的企业。   2013 年 7 月,Fabrica de Papel San Francisco (Fapsa) 在其位于墨西哥的Mexicali工厂成功投产全球首条Advantage NTT 卫生纸生产线。该生产线由 Mesto 提供,宽度为 2.6 米,可在公司现有产量基础上增加每年 3...

配送特辑:10 大仓库运营优化战略

在贯彻企业战略时,高效是仓库和配送中心物流的一大要务。美国企业 Dematic 分销系统市场部门经理 Ken Ruehrdanz 在接受《世界卫生纸》采访时如是说。 以下 10 大战略经过实践检验,旨在去除非增值活动,并囊括了对公司最为重要的业务推动因素。这些战略将确保企业的物流战略与业务战略相互协调一致,助您在市场领域获得竞争优势。 1 减少行走所浪费的时间 根据经营规模的不同,理货员的几乎一大部分时间都用于行走在不同货物间进行拣货。应采用各种方法来减少行程时间、简化拣货位并确保员工能够更高效地开展工作。可能的解决方案包括:流动式货架、经过优化的流程途径,动态定位。 2 按区域整理货物 考虑采用能够提高订单组装和整合速度与效率的物流管理方法。仅在拣货活动有需要时才使订单货柜进入区域。可能的解决方案包括:区域路径传输网络和拣货车。 3 分批处理订单并分类 通过分组并同时为多个订单采拣SKU(存储单位)来提高理货员的工作效率。理货员无需多次进入同一位置。一次进入后采拣多个 SKU 并按订单分类。可能的解决方案包括:拣货车、集中拣货并分类。 4 避免行走、分箱选货及补充 避免理货员进入仓库寻找物品位置并分箱选货,考虑采用能够使理货员呆在原处即能获得库存的系统。可能的解决方案包括:“物到人”拣货系统,由自动库存分期系统支持。 5 避免行走、整箱选货及补充 避免理货员进入仓库寻找物品位置并选货,考虑采用能够将箱子直接放入码垛机的系统。将箱子按最佳顺序摆放并建立货盘。可能的解决方案包括:配备半自动码垛功能的自动箱子缓冲系统。 6 缓冲及排序 部分客户订单拣货完成后,货物或箱子可以整合进入缓冲存储系统,作为优化流程的方法。此外,可能需要按照排序整理各订单的内容。可能的解决方案:自动分期系统。 7 免费拣货 把本来没想拣货的SKU变成需要拣货的SKU,这样就等于“拣一送一”。例如,将五个箱子从货盘上转移构成一个订单,同时使用剩余的箱子构成另一个订单。可能的解决方案:反向拣货软件。 8 整层拣货 使用整层拣货方式优化拣货活动。提高订单组装速度,减少人力。可能的解决方案:整层拣货机器人。 9 混合箱子堆垛 确定混合箱子堆垛使用的箱子组装流程是否有效。这一复杂流程可以采用半自动或自动系统精简。可能的解决方案:链接至人体工程学码垛系统的分期缓冲系统,箱子采拣和分类。 10 关注实时状态 避免纸上谈兵,使用实时系统进行操作。获得可见性、掌握实时运行状态并监控劳动生产力。可能的解决方案:仓库控制系统软件、仪表盘、声光控制活动。 Ken Ruehrdanz 担任 Dematic分销系统市场部门经理,该部门负责设计、建立并支持物流解决方案,从而优化物流和信息流。

18 March Conference talk snapshot: A.Celli, SKF, Clearwater Paper, Brunnschweiler, Hayat...

MORNING SESSION: 1. Clive Butler, A.Celli, Italy STEAM SYSTEMS, BACK TO BASICS Over the years, the engineers at Beloit, then Sandusky, and now PMT, have learned...

Voith and Canfor Pulp to announce developments following collaboration

Voith Tissue & Pulp Innovation Centre and Canfor Pulp will use Tissue World Miami 2014 to announce the latest developments of their on-going technical...

Convermat to showcase its global jumbo tissue roll services

Convermat will use Tissue World Miami 2014 to showcase its full range of jumbo rolls of tissue and specialty wadding services. The company specialises in...

Andritz to showcase latest innovations at TW Americas

Andritz will showcase its two latest innovations - the PrimeDry Steel Yankee and the PrimePress XT Evo shoe press. Both developments are in response...

Tissue World new launches – setting the stage for the bigger...

2013 was a year to remember: in the season that marked the 20th anniversary of Tissue World, the show moved from Nice to Barcelona,...

Tissue World Americas 2014 opens its doors and gears up for...

Tissue World Americas 2014 opens its doors and gears up for show floor opening and launch of TRIF tomorrow    The record breaking Tissue World...

Tissue World opens in Miami next week

2013 was a year to remember: in the season that marked the 20th anniversary of Tissue World, the show moved from Nice to Barcelona,...

Buckman International announces new president and COO

Buckman International has appointed Kathy Buckman Gibson president and chief operating officer. She will step away from her role as chairman of the board...

Kiss-u Corps launches 2-go cap

Kiss-u Tissue has launched its new, reseal-able cap on the back of customer demand. The company said it developed the product on the back of...