
Tissue World Magazine, Departments: Consumer Speak, Exitissues, Foex, Frontissues, Marketissues, and Operations Report

Generation gain

Mum Jenny’s eye for a bargain – and bringing home the bounty “by the truck load” – was a joke which became a family affair for the Lawrence household

PIX Pulp indices 19.11.13

By LARS HALEN, Senior Manager, FOEX Indexes and TIMO TERAS, Managing Director, FOEX Indexes NBSK pulp Europe Pulp Week in London ended more or less where it started. Suppliers showed optimism over...

Seizing the future for tissue

As producers of high quality BEK pulp in Argentina, Celulosa Argentina has “a strategic advantage” to produce tissue papers in a rapidly growing market. TW visits the business to talk market...
Tissue World Magazine

Don’t cry for us in Argentina: ‘Tissue Culture’ primed and ready for an economic...

By Helen Morris, Tissue World editor Mill manager Eric Taylor has a seemingly simple but extraordinarily demanding ethic known to anyone working successfully in industry: ‘Each day we assess the problems ......

‘We develop and innovate across the board…’

Dominant private label, high energy costs, influential NGOs, an ageing population... Metsä Tissue outlines its way forward in a challenging German market. Tissue World editor Helen Morris meets Christoph Zeiler, Metsä...
Tissue World Magazine


占据优势地位的自有品牌、居高不下的能源成本、影响广泛的非政府组织、日益加剧的人口老龄化…… Metsä Tissue向我们讲述了他们在充满挑战的德国市场上的应对之道。 《世界卫生纸》编辑Helen Morris日前与Metsä Tissue西欧区纸巾部门高级副总裁Christoph Zeiler进行了会面。 我们与友好的Christoph Zeiler在Metsä Tissue的位于德国Rhineland-Palatinate的Raubach造纸厂见面,他用流利的英语侃侃而谈,见面后不久我们就谈到了那个敏感话题。 对于这个敏感话题,我们没有刻意回避, 而是选择正视, 那就是自有品牌在德国市场的优势地位。2012年,自有品牌在德国卫生纸销量中占据的比例为78%,令人叹为观止,而这一比例在英国和美国分别仅为45%和20%。 “能源成本对企业以及整个卫生纸行业至关重要,能源成本存在着飞速上涨的风险。” Christoph Zeiler Metsä Tissue高级副总裁 在这样的市场环境下,提供差异点至关重要。从许多方面来讲,自有品牌的垄断地位迫使很多卫生纸公司在创新和市场战略上寻求新突破。 这家造纸厂拥有两台造纸机以及九台复绕机,年居家外产品和消费性产品加工数量达75000吨。 Metsä Tissue在德国拥有三家纸巾厂,年纸巾产量250000吨,另两家造纸厂的产品主要针对消费品和特种餐纸市场。 Zeiler一边带着我们绕厂参观,一边向我们解释,为什么自有品牌的市场主导地位意味着企业必须在成本方面处于领先。 他说道:“我们致力于开发和创新,但对我们而言,创新并不始终等同于产品开发。 我们关注机械投资或能效,例如我们正在与Toscotec合作,完成对Raubach厂区内一台造纸机的升级,此举将显著提升工厂能效和产能。” 他补充说道,能耗是德国造纸行业面临的最大问题之一。 “能源成本对企业以及整个卫生纸行业至关重要,能源成本存在着飞速上涨的风险。 2007年至2012年间,公司范围内的能耗降低了20%,我们致力于在2020年实现再降10%的目标。 在这个行业领域,无论从成本结构还是可持续发展角度来看,能源问题都具有重要性。 即使我们持续关注能效的提升,在未来,我们仍需要将能源成本保持在合理水平。” 公司希望在欧洲市场实现有机增长,但在Zeiler看来,过去数年间欧洲市场的增长率仅为1%,要实现这一目标实属不易。 他认为,虽然德国的消费虽然增长缓慢,但起码还在增长,而行业面临的最大的问题之一在于: “德国卫生纸市场的参与者众多,但市场需求却相当疲软。 在自有品牌占据优势地位的情况下更是如此。” 对于行业而言,挖掘消费增长点至关重要,推出满足消费者日常生活所需的新产品就是一种途径。 “欧洲国家的人均消费水平各异。 例如,瑞士和英国的消费水平相对较高,而波兰的年人均消费水平则刚刚超过7000欧元。 德国的消费水平在欧洲平均水平之上,但相较于英国和美国,德国的消费水平仍存在巨大的提升空间。” 他补充道:“我们当然关注有机增长,这是我们的一大核心要务,在这方面公司需要进行投资。 公司新近投资5500万欧元在Metsä Tissue位于波兰的Krapkowice造纸厂新建两台造纸机,一条居家外产品加工流水线,并扩展了加工和仓储设施。 此举同时还提高了能源效率。”...
Tissue World Magazine


随着中国政府关停纸浆与造纸行业更多产能的计划出台,我们不禁想问,在今年年底前实现淘汰742万吨产能的目标能否实现,或者说,这个目标够了吗? 七月下旬,中国工业和信息化部(简称工信部,由国务院直接领导,负责中国工业部门的发展)公布了2013年度19个行业的产能淘汰名单,其中就包括纸浆与造纸行业。首批公布的名单中,274家公司需要在今年年底淘汰621万吨的年产能。 约一个月后公布的第二批名单新增121万吨产能淘汰任务,产能淘汰目标任务总计742万吨。 名单上所列的所有机器应在九月底前停止生产,并在年底前拆除。 对于纸巾卫生纸行业而言,虽然对生产线的速度、宽度和产能没有明确限制,但非木浆造纸厂和小型高级纸张造纸厂的关停要求仍会对卫生纸纸巾生产产生造成影响。 中国很多小型纸巾厂以非木浆纸、来自高级纸张造纸机的车间损纸以及/或再生纸为原料。 在老式的中国高级纸张造纸厂中,车间损纸不会回到机器中,而是为造纸厂一角的小型纸巾造纸机提供原料。 随着高级纸张生产的关停,纸巾卫生纸生产将失去其原材料,从而被迫关停。 另外,一系列小型稻草纸浆生产线原本为纸巾卫生纸造纸机提供纤维,随着它们的关停,这些纸巾卫生纸造纸机也将被迫停机,因为这些纸巾卫生纸厂厂的经济状况不允许其从公司以外采购纸浆。 造纸厂关停倒闭的深远影响 原料的来源在很大程度上决定了进行产能淘汰的地区。 相较于使用非木浆(主要是稻草纸浆和苇浆)和再生纸的中国内陆老式造纸厂,上述规定对使用进口木浆的沿海地区造纸厂而言影响相对较小。 根据新公布的关停命令,所有年产能低于1万吨的再生纤维纸浆生产线必须关停,使用当地收集再生纸进行生产的老式和小型纸浆厂因此受到重创,使中国原本低得惊人的纸巾低利用率的再生纤维使用率将进一步降低。 近年来,大量纸巾卫生纸产能被淘汰。 2008年年初至2013年9月,超过150万吨年产能确定已被淘汰,由于关停倒闭的记录通常存在某种程度的滞后,即今年的产能关停数量可能超过目前已知数量。 此外还有我们无法查证的造纸厂关停倒闭。 近年来,由于中国纸巾市场产能过剩的局面以及中国政府针对造纸行业制定的现代化计划,关停速度有所加快。 “2008年年初至2013年9月,已有超过150万吨年产能已被淘汰,今年关停数量可能更多。” 观察近年来的产能关停情况,我们可以发现受到关停冲击的不仅仅是小型和老式纸巾卫生纸厂。 除环境原因外,经济、质量和土地使用也成为关停的原因。 2012年至2013年,部分规模较大的造纸厂陆续关停,包括陕西奥辉纸业(因环境问题,年产能减少6万吨)、惠州福和纸业(因所有权变动以及经济和质量原因,年产能减少3.6万吨)、上海潜力纸业(质量和经济问题)、陕西西安临潼航星汉兴纸业 (环境问题)以及宁夏美洁纸业(造纸厂因土地使用原因由政府下令搬迁,仅两台最大的PM搬迁至新址,年产能减少5万吨)。 此外,随着较大型PM的投产,部分现有制造商关停了较为陈旧的小型纸巾卫生纸PM。 其中包括中顺洁柔、宁夏紫荆花、胜达集团双灯纸业和河南漯河银鸽。 未来展望 如今主要的问题是: 纸巾卫生纸产能关停是否会以较过去几年相同或是更快的速度继续?关停是否能大幅缓解产能过剩? 我们相信中国政府将继续实施其重组计划,目前仍存在大量无法满足政府环保和/或能效标准的小型纸巾厂,这意味着强制关停势头将在2014年至2015年延续。 产能过剩和激烈竞争可能会给现存造纸厂造成困难,未来数年中,我们认为因为经济原因导致的关停将不断出现,但因竞争问题而关停的制造商和造纸厂数量比较难估计。 我们预计,2014年至2015年的关停规模可能与2012年至2013年相当,但纵观2008年以来的趋势,这一预计可能相当保守。 但即使关停规模从每年40至45万吨增至50至60万吨,它们对供求的影响并不具有决定性,当然也不足以抵消未来几年投产的所有新项目。 假设2012年至2013年的关停速度继续下去,目前的前景是今年净产能变化接近100万吨,2014年为约150万吨,2015年又回归至近100万吨。关停的增加可能会改善当前状况,但影响不大。 大型项目的推迟和延迟才可能真正起到改善作用。 现在主动权掌握在了供应商手中,包括那些拥有巨大投资目标的最大型企业。 中国和全球市场都无法消化所有已经公布的产能,因此我对中国企业的建议非常简单: 请重新考虑扩张时间表,否则将遭遇利润彻底崩盘的重大威胁,中国充满吸引力和增长前景的纸巾业务将被个别供应商急于求成的增长目标所葬送! 纸巾部门主管Esko Uutela,位于德国慕尼黑附近的RISI欧盟顾问办公室,联系方式: 电话: +49-8151-29193 或电子邮件: [email protected]

High quality and added value – at speed – are key at SCAs Neuss...

Since the SCA purchase of G-P's European tissue business mill manager Brend Bichbeimer has met the 'biggest challenge' of a rapid change from a focus on forestry to hygiene... now he...
Tissue World Magazine


By Helen Morris, Tissue World editor As 2013 draws to a close, this issue of TW reflects on the key trends and project start-ups of the past year and looks in detail...

‘Designer’ printing rises to the challenge

Paper towel print technology has achieved one of the fastest transformations to product quality in any market place. Flexographic printing industry consultant David M Root explains how to stay ahead of...

The US is big on tissue hand towels – but in Europe carry your...

As research leader at Datamonitor’s Consumer branch, Amy Walker is based in Manchester, England, and goes for price and quality when buying tissue... wherever she is.   When deciding which tissue products to...

PIX Pulp indices 24.9.2013

  NBSK pulp Europe The softwood pulp market remains firm. The volumes from Tofte are disappearing from the market and of course being replaced mainly by other Södra-tonnage. This lessens the pressure to...
Tissue World Magazine

Will closing capacity help the Chinese tissue overcapacity situation?

As the Chinese government reveal plans to close down more of its pulp and paper industry we consider whether the target capacity of 7.42 million tonnes by the end of this...

Taking advantage of NBSK pulp for soft and strong tissue grades

With the fibre cost of the finished tissue product still a dominant factor in the tissue industry, Canfor Pulp explains its latest developments to TW. By Wlad Janssen, Specialist on tissue for Canfor Pulp...

Setting the standard on environmental performance

The tissue industry faces increasing pressure to make sure its water and energy consumption is environmentally sustainable as well as energy efficient. Here, Sofidel Group tells TW how its adoption of an Environmental Group...
Tissue World Magazine

充分利用 NBSK 纸浆打造高规格柔韧纸巾

Canfor 制浆公司在向《世界卫生纸》介绍最新发展时表示,成品卫生纸产品的纤维成本仍是卫生纸行业的主要影响因素。 本文基于对 Canfor 制浆公司创新部负责人 Paul Watson 和Canfor 制浆卫生纸专家 Wlad Janssen 的访问而撰。 制浆巨头 Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership (CPLP) 定位为环境可持续性的领头企业,其中最重要的体现是最初的纤维供应。 该公司在温哥华以北 800 公里的卑诗省乔治王子镇设有三个加工厂,Canfor 制浆公司的总部和创新部也位于该区。 其所加工的纤维来自 Canfor 林产品有限公司和该地区其他锯木场实木加工所产生的副产品碎屑,其中有 60% 来自 Canfor 林产品公司。 Canfor 林产品公司拥有 CPLP...
Tissue World Magazine

Tissue is an $80bn market category with no event covering the entire value chain…...

By Hugh O'Brian, Tissue World Contributing Editor “Retail is Detail” is perhaps the most famous slogan in the retailing business. Although I have been working closely with the tissue and paper business for more than...

A pack of tissues is one of life’s essentials for James

James Adams is originally from South Africa and is now studying in Manchester in the UK. Here he describes why portable tissues remain one of his key purchases and why he prefers environmentally-friendly...

The fast pace of changing market strategies is shaping short and long term planning...

By Helen Morris, Tissue World Editor Welcome to Tissue World magazines’ retail special edition! In anticipation of our brand-new retail and distribution segment at Tissue World Miami in 2014, TW magazine is bringing you the...

Bringing manufacturing ownership back to a region which once led the world

Northwood’s recent acquisitions in the UK’s AfH tissue market has propelled it to the number three spot in the sector. Now with its latest joint venture Northwood & Wepa acquiring the former Georgia- Pacific...

Bringing manufacturing ownership back to a region which once led the world

Northwood’s recent acquisitions in the UK’s AfH tissue market has propelled it to the number three spot in the sector. Now with its latest joint venture Northwood & Wepa acquiring the former Georgia- Pacific...
Tissue World Magazine

Looking for a chain reaction

Fabryka Papieru Kaczory is ready to start up its new tissue mill to supply customers as far away as Congo and Haiti. TW meets the independent producer diversifying in a changing market under German influence. By Helen...

Improving runnability on tissue machines

Catanchem’s Gerhard Viljoen and aquaTECH’s Julien Arnold and David Hunkeler consider how to make savings, and get the most from the mill When tissue grades with high wet-strength resin (WSR) are being...

Top of the league SCA is on the ball to meet consumers’ changing needs

With its focus on innovation and sustainability, SCA has taken the top spot in the UK tissue market. TW visits its renowned Manchester mill on the city’s Trafford Park. By Helen Morris, Tissue World...
Tissue World Magazine

With 2,000 different designs and products being exported to 40 countries, flexibility is key...

The Polish economy slowed but never entered in deep recession and now it’s poised again for another leap forward. TW visited one leading napkin producer determined to adapt to market demands...

Tissue retail in Africa’s southern region

The current state of the continent’s strongest economy, South Africa, has had a noticeable impact with many consumers suffering a sharp dip in their disposable income. As a result, they are opting for a...

PIX pulp indices: FOEX examines NBSK and BHK pulp prices in Europe as of...

By Lars Lars Halén, senior manager, FOEX Indexes and Timo Teras, managing director, FOEX Indexes  NBSK pulp Europe Data over the producers’ pulp stocks was released by PPPC at the end of July with inventories...

From spotlight to campsite quality tissue is essential

Donna Sawyer is a finance journalist living and working in Sydney, Australia. With much of her work on camera, she looks for high quality tissue products that are beneficial for the skin and environmentally...

Poland gets in shape to take full advantage of the European recovery

By Helen Morris, Tissue World Editor Poland’s 40 million population, or at least the ones who get round to doing the cooking and the cleaning, love their kitchen towels...the star performers in a relatively...

Young and dynamic – Lamix typifies Poland’s emerging tissue sector

Successive investment has strengthened Lamix’s hold on the hygiene market. Here the company discusses its market strategy with TW. “The customer is getting richer and richer as Poland has become better off,” says owner Miroslaw Laszko...
Tissue World Magazine

Indonesia: the perfect combination of inputs for tissue growth

Indonesia has the perfect combination of inputs driving growth in tissue manufacture, from a lifted GDP to an expanding middle class. Here, Phillip Lawrence explains why the country is one to...
Tissue World Magazine

A unique market aiming to create a new category of ICI nations – India,...

Indonesia is a fascinating market offering huge potential for the tissue industry. Almost 251 million people and counting, geographically located as the gateway between Asia and Australasia and consisting of the...

‘When cooking and cleaning, and polishing the bike… nothing beats the kitchen towel’

Paul Ashcroft lives in the picturesque village of Rivington in the north west of England. He works in the water industry and in his spare time he is a...

Sopanusa Tissue: adapting to an ever-expanding global market

With a new business and substantial investments underway, TW meets integrated Indonesia manufacturer Sopanusa Tissue It takes one and half hour drive from Juanda International Airport in Surabaya to reach PT.Sopanusa Tissue....

APP says it’s turned the page … but will the sheet of paper be...

After a significant sustainability announcement in February that grabbed the attention of the world’s paper industries and media, TW visited APP in Indonesia to get the latest on the company and...

Better monitoring – fewer stoppages

When SCA’s Edet Bruk mill invested in a new burner management system from ABB, the difference was immediate. Two years later, the company tells TW what a difference it has made SCA’s...
Tissue World Magazine

Cascades launches facial tissue product

Cascades Tissue Group has extended its Cascades Moka line with the launch of what it claims is the first-ever unbleached, 100% recycled beige facial tissue. The company said the single-use paper product...

Sopanusa Tissue to double capacity

Indonesia-based Sopanusa Tissue has announced plans to create a new company called Sun Paper Source that will double the company’s tissue capacity. In an interview at the company's site near Surabaya in...
Tissue World Magazine

Sofidel finalises G-P acquisition

Sofidel Group has finalised the acquisition from SCA of the former Georgia-Pacific businesses. The move is connected with G-P’s consumer brands in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Luigi...
Tissue World Magazine

Metso receives repeat order from Turkey’s Hayat Kimya

Hayat Kimya has announced at Tissue World 2013 that it has signed for a repeat order for two complete tissue lines from Metso for an undisclosed sum. Each production line will include...