
随着2013年临近尾声,《世界卫生纸》的年度报告邀请了全球卫生纸行业的领军人物共同回顾2013,展望2014。   Helen Gray de Castro, 葡萄牙纸巾卫生纸制造商Fapajal - Fábrica de Papel do Tojal经理 《世界卫生纸》/1. 过去一年的重大事件对全球纸巾卫生纸行业有何影响? HGC: “由于土耳其、埃及的政治原因,该地区的部分大卷轴供应受限制,进而影响欧洲纸业市场国(土耳其、埃及)出现政治问题,,这也促使欧洲的欧洲的产品供应由此受到影响,独立加工商转而寻求更为可靠的欧洲货源。在经济较为脆弱的南欧国家,经济危机导致需求降低,利润减少,众多卫生纸供应商受到冲击,致使造纸机停产,这在一定程度上纠正调整了供求失衡现象,虽然很可能只是暂时纠正调整。” 《世界卫生纸》/2. 明年的关键趋势有哪些? HGC: “纸浆价格尤其是NBSK价格可能上涨,但南美地区BHKP产量的大幅增加可能会使阔叶纸浆的价格趋于稳定。 然而部分分析师也提及了纸浆价格的大幅上涨。我们还会看到,层压产品将成为主流,追求轻质纸的趋势依然存在,但将通过增加层数来进行弥补。在我看来,这有悖常理,因为大克数低层数的纸张也可以达到相同的效果,且造纸厂和加工厂的成本可能更低。能源和环境的成本不断增加以及南欧国家政府的增税政策使欧洲卫生纸行业雪上加霜。我们希望东欧的增幅可以超过欧洲平均涨幅。” 《世界卫生纸》/3. 您预计是否会有更加深入的业内合并? HGC: “不能百分之百肯定;但很多人往往相信这样一句话:越大就越强。” 《世界卫生纸》/4. 与一年前相比,您对行业环境是否更有信心? HGC: “行业环境错综复杂,但是我们相信企业有能力克服经济问题,实现生存和发展。” 《世界卫生纸》/5. 贵公司是否会进入新市场? 你们将重点在哪些核心国家寻求增长? HGC: “我们可能会进入南美市场。 我们的核心市场应该保持不变,但是只要运输成本可以接受,我们准备进入几乎任何地区。”   Paul Watson,Canfor Pulp 创新部总监 《世界卫生纸》/1,PW: “作为面向全球卫生纸制造商的优质NBSK供应商,我们和所有供应商一样,敏锐地感受到2013年纸巾行业遭遇的种种挑战,包括价格的大幅下跌以及折扣的增加。 显然,中国卫生纸行业的储量缩减在很大程度上决定了2013年全球纸浆价格走势。” “在这一背景下,NBSK领域出现了进一步合并的现象,高成本设施逐渐进行合理化改造,这将形成NBSK中期供应紧缩的局面。” 《世界卫生纸》/2,PW: “市场对用于优质的NBSK有着旺盛的需求。 随着人均消费的提高,对强度和柔软度的质量需求也有所增加。...
David Mackinson, Research Manager, Euromonitor, Latin America

Latin Americans were forced to reconsider primary needs and priorities

David Mackinson, Research Manager, Euromonitor, Latin America One of the most immediate effects of the pandemic was the collapse of purchases that are associated with...

Scott Griffin, director – tissue sales, Central National Gottesman (CNG)

TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business and the global tissue industry?  “During 2017 and 2018, we...
Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail

Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail

Fernanda Accorsi, founder, F.A. Retail TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted the tissue sector? 

SPECIAL FEATURE: Annual Review 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, TWM asks figures from across tissue’s global supply chain for their retrospectives on the year … and predictions for 2023.

Annual Review 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, TWM asks leading figures across tissue’s global supply chain for their retrospectives on 2021… and predictions for 2022

Steve Peters, sales and business development manager, Bedford Paper

TWM/1: How have events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business and the global tissue industry?  “Raw material supply and price variations...
Carlo Berti, Sales Director, Gambini

Industry leaders want to invest and make business, but they’re cautious because there’s a...

Carlo Berti, Sales Director, Gambini  I guess what we can foresee for the upcoming 2021 is something we all can perceive by looking at the...
Mauro Luna, Global Sales Director, Körber Tissue

We built ahead of specific orders … and were able to meet the demand...

Mauro Luna, Global Sales Director, Körber Tissue The year 2020 was a good year for Körber, despite the global situation. There was a worldwide increase...

Overcapacity – Promotions – Private Label – Population – Prices – Energy – Income...

By TWM Senior Editor, Helen Morris Sacrifice short term profitability for long term opportunity – the increasing dilemma? TWM asked industry experts around the world to access the state of the industry as the search...

Annual Review

Industry experts tell TWM about how emerging technological, cultural, political and commercial changes could shape global tissue in the years ahead   Once consumers try private brands they are staying with them Kit Vale, Daymon...

The key industry issues in a TW Special Report

As 2013 draws to a close, TW’s Annual Review asks leading figures in the global tissue industry for their retrospectives on 2013 and predictions for 2014 Helen Gray de Castro: administradora at...

Paul Fecher, Northwood chairman, Northwood Paper, Tissue & Hygiene

TWM/1: How have the events in the tissue industry in the last year impacted your business?  “2018 and 2019 have performed independent of logical evolution, there...
Image: Supply chain Pulp and Paper. PURPLEPRINT Creative


As 2023 draws to a close, TWM asks figures from across tissue’s global supply chain for their retrospectives on the year ... and predictions for 2024. Solving South Africa’s energy crisis will...