Barry-Wehmiller has launched its BW Converting Solutions (BWCS) Hygiene Division, which unites its brands PCMC, W+D, STAX and Northern Engraving into a consolidated division.
The company said the BW Converting Solutions Hygiene Division will include a global structure of experts, creating a customer-centric strategy that is the focus of the new hygiene organisation.
Sergio Casella, President, BWCS Hygiene Division, said: “The global tissue and hygiene paper market is experiencing consistent growth in revenues and sales, and today our customers expect personalised experiences, transparent communication and real-time information.
“BW Converting Solutions understands that it is not enough to be the best at designing and selling a product or service, but it is necessary to redesign one’s business around the knowledge, values and needs of customers.
“This new and deliberate development makes the most of the synergies among the companies, resulting in the best service, new technologies, quality, sustainability and Industry 4.0 initiatives.”
The Hygiene Division’s market segments will include –
Tissue converting machinery
-Toilet and Towelling
-Facial and Hankies
Wipes converting machinery
-Dry and Wet Wipes
Personal Care converting machinery
-Baby, adult and feminine care
Packaging machinery
-Toilet and Towelling
-Facial and Hankies
Conveying, product handling and end of line automation
Custom embossing for tissue and nonwovens.