Tissue World Americas 2014 has been another record breaking show after it attracted 1,931 participants, a 40% increase compared to the 2012 edition.
The statistics are stacking up after the Miami trade show and they make impressive reading for the global tissue industry.
A total of 173 companies exhibited and no less than 51 businesses have been converted to the TW banner exhibiting for the first time.
The footfall breakdown was 711 visitors, 709 exhibitor staff and 457 conference delegates, making Miami the most successful show ever.
Participants came from 69 countries, including 1,069 from the USA, 78 from Brazil, 99 from Canada, 71 from China, 166 from Italy and 27 from Turkey.
The statistics reflect a significant pick-up in the American tissue market, which despite being in a mature phase continues along a dynamic expansion path.
The Tissue World Americas summit had a record-breaking crowd of 457 conference delegates.
Talks covered the latest key trends in the global tissue industry, from evolving consumer and retail trends; private label versus brands; sustainability; Greenpeace and WWF viewpoints on the tissue industry; energy savings; how large retailers are meeting sustainability challenges, through to the latest developments in NTT, ATMOS, ADT and TAD technology.
Visitors included 40 retail and commercial tissue buyers, many of which were attending the event for the first time because of TRIF.
TRIF was designed to give tissue buyers a better understanding of the capabilities tissue makers have to meet their requirements, both environmental and quality wise, as well as provide a deeper appreciation for the immense technical development efforts that go into tissue making.
For more information, see the next issue of Tissue World magazine (May/June).