Tissue World Magazine
January / February 2014
January / February 2014


Frontissues: Don’t cry for us in Argentina: ‘Tissue Culture’ primed and ready for an economic upturn

Commemoration: Stefano Santini

Exitissues: The importance of effective dust removal



Global news

Americas news

Africas news

Asia news

Europe news

Short issues



Country Report: Argentina: modest, locally focused T&T business

Country Report:  Argentina: the impact of inflation and price controls on tissue

Operations Report: ‘No one knew what kitchen roll was – now it has become a habit’

Operations Report: Seizing the future for tissue

Consumerspeak: Generation gain

Technical Theme: Cutting energy costs and improving product quality vital priorities

A day in the life: One goal – one team

PIX Pulp indices: 19.11.13