Baosuo has developed the TMs based on the characteristics of reed pulp fibre needed for Xinjiang Zhongtai Xingwei

China’s Xinjiang Zhongtai Xingwei Biotechnology Co. has invested in four Baotuo-supplied MC1100-2850 Crescent former tissue machines to make household paper from caustic soda natural reed pulp.  

Following an increase in demand for the product, the daily output of the specialised machines will be 100 tonnes of high-grade household paper.  

They have a design speed of 1,100m/min and paper width of 2.8m and have been developed by Baosuo Enterprise Group based on the characteristics of the reed pulp fibre needed by the business. 

The first phase of the project was launched in 2020 and had a daily output of 25 tonnes of high-level household paper.  

After the implementation of the project, the overall production capacity of Xinjiang Zhongtai Xingwei will increase and speed up its entry into the household paper market, further expanding its market share of household paper products in the region.  

Xinjiang Zhongtai Xingwei Biotechnology Co. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xinjiang Zhongtai (Group).  

The factory area covers an area of 610.34 acres, and the building area of the built plant is about 63,000 square metres.