Italy’s ACE has diversified its product offering after opening a new company – ACE Tissue Technologies (ACE TT).
Located in Pescia, Lucca, the new business division is dedicated to the manufacture of patented dust removal systems.
Chief Executive Daniele Barbui said to TWM: “This was the necessary step in order to better organise the internal production processes and to enhance the specialisation in each specific sector by positioning suitable and prepared personnel.”
He added that ACE TT is structured to provide its customers “with 360° service”, starting from the supervision of the lines to the study and design of suitable dedusting systems until their installation.
“In the tissue industry, ACE T.T. is now able to supply customised systems for paper machines, rewinders, converting lines, interfolders, napkin and handkerchief machines.
“Meanwhile, ACE Dedusting plants act directly on the paper, are easy to use, versatile, and with the possibility of modular expansion even after their installation.
“They are practically maintenance-free, and the return on investment is extremely rapid if we consider the advantages that their use entails.”
He added that the patented MEA-X technology is based on the combined action of aerodynamic flows and antistatic devices, and “guarantees higher levels of safety in the control of electrostatic charges and superior dust removal performance (even over 60%) compared to traditional suction systems.”
“Additionally, to the antistatic devices installed on the dedusting heads/hoods, another ATEX system (Clear Tube) is installed in line, in the dust transport piping towards the filter, in order to eliminate all the electrostatic charges that are created in this phase.”
The business also has an office in China, ACE (Suzhou) Mechanical Equipment.