(News from RISI) – Chilean pulp and paper producer CMPC’s president Eliodoro Matte has decided to leave the company for personal reasons and will be substituted by Luis Felipe Gazitúa.
Matte has been heading the company since 2002 and will step down in April.
According to CMPC, Gazitúa has worked in several sectors, including power and energy, telecommunications, the fishing industry, agriculture and forestry.
He has also been a board member in several important Chilean companies, such as Colbún, Entel, Almendral, Bice Vida, Corpesca, Tattersall, CDF and Cruzados.
CMPC’s new president is an engineer graduated by Universidad de Chile and is currently Almendral’s president, an investment company which owns 54.76% of Entel, and on which Grupo Matte – also CMPC’s controller – is the main shareholder. He is also vice-president of Colbún, vice-president of Entel and detains directory positions in six other companies.
In the past few months, CMPC has changed several executives and announced a new business structure.
The company is currently being accused of promoting a tissue cartel together with SCA in Chile, controlling prices in the country from 2000 to 2011.
Together, the companies have nearly 90% of the Chilean tissue paper market.