Tissue World Magazine

(News from RISI) – Chilean pulp and paper producer CMPC released its financial results for the third quarter of the year showing EBITDA 34% higher compared to a year ago, at $337 million.

The growth was driven by an increase in all business areas, except from the paper division which remained stable.

The company traded 707,700 tonnes of market pulp in the period, up 40% over the previous quarter and 28% higher year-over-year. Of this total, 160,674 tonnes of bleached eucalyptus kraft (BEK) pulp were produced at CMPC’s new Guaíba II line, which kicked off in May 2015 with capacity to produce 1.3 million tonnes/yr of BEK. In the third quarter, CMPC’s tissue sales accounted for 161,400 tonnes, up 4% year-over-year.