OMET has targeted the napkin market with the launch of its TV 840 Tronic machine.
The supplier said the machine improves automation, offering a “cutting-edge machine that enhances ease of use and optimises waste”.
OMET said: “TV 840 Tronic is a high-performance double-lane automatic napkins folding machine line that includes a wide range of high technology solutions: it is the ideal solution for profitable converting.
“Characterised by reliable and robust construction, it can reach a productivity up to 5,600 napkins per minute and a speed of 900 metres per minute, and can be equipped with flexo printing units up to 9 colours.”
The machine is completely digitalised and equipped with servo motors on each axis, and can be remote controlled by operators or tele-service.
The company added that this version of the TV 840 is already in production for several international customers.
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