KP Tissue and Kruger Products have officially announced their future $575m Sherbrooke tissue plant, which will be equipped with TAD technology.
Located in the borough of Brompton, the new plant will be constructed on a site adjacent to an existing Kruger paper mill.
Some 180 jobs will be created, as well as some 1,700 direct and indirect jobs during the construction period, which will end in 2021.
Kruger Products’ Sherbrooke Plant will include an ultra-premium tissue manufacturing TAD tissue machine as well as converting lines.
Ultimately, it will manufacture 70,000 metric tonnes a year of ultra-premium bathroom tissue and paper towels under the Cashmere, SpongeTowels and Purex brands.
Dino Bianco, Kruger Products chief operating officer, said: “We are very proud to strengthen Kruger Products’ presence in Québec with this large-scale project that will provide significant benefits to the Estrie region.
“What’s even more exciting is that the local know-how will shine across North America with products distributed throughout Canada and in the United States.”
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