CMPC Tissue Latam group’s Papelera del Plata plant has fired up a TT SYD-12FT.
Supplied by Toscotec, it is installed on PM3 at the company’s Zarate mill in Argentina.
It replaces an existing Steel Yankee dryer that was supplied by another manufacturer.
The TT SYD-12FT features a diameter of 3.6m and a face width of 2,800mm.
The scope of supply includes Toscotec’s patented deckle insulation system, which allows for safe and practical application of the deckle insulation on the Yankee’s heads without any machining, the drive group, support and bearings, and the main components of the steam and condensate system.
CMPC is one of the largest pulp and paper producer in Latin America, with industrial operations in eight countries.
Its products range from wood products, pulp, packaging paper and tissue and are marketed in 45 countries worldwide.
The company uses fibres originating from sustainable, certified plantations and recycled materials, and has an annual tissue capacity of 700,000 tonnes.
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