Lila Kagit has boosted its tissue paper output after it started up an Advantage DCT 200 TS tissue production line at its Corlu mill in Turkey. The new line uses virgin fibre and will add another 195 tonnes per day of tissue paper for facial, toilet, napkin and towel products to Lila Kagit’s production capacity. Besides the Advantage DCT 200 TS tissue machine, Metso’s delivery included stock preparation equipment, process ventilation, controls, electrical equipment, basic engineering services, erection, start-up and training services.
Cascades Tissue Group has launched its Cascades Moka 100% recycled unbleached bathroom tissue. Hailed as the first-of-itskind product, it is available to the AfH market and is said to offer commercial purchasers “the highest hygienic qualities and softness, whilst significantly reducing the environmental impact”. Beige in appearance, it eliminates chemical whitening and is made of a pulp mix composed of 100% recycled fibre, 80% of which is post-consumer material and 20% is from recovered corrugated boxes.
Ningxia Zijinghua Paper has fired up a new 28,000tpy tissue paper unit at its mill in Yinchuan city, Ningxia autonomous region. The unit, which has a trim width of 3.45m and a design speed of 1,500m/min, was provided by Toscotec. According to the Italian supplier, the unit started up on January 16, and reached a stable speed of 1,300m/min several days later.
Metsä Tissue’s Lambi brand has responded to customer demand after it launched its new easy-to-open toilet paper packaging product. It has a “zipper-like opening mechanism” that means the top tears away cleanly for greater convenience. The rest of the package then remains intact and the rolls stay in place also after opening. Heini Mikkonen, Lambi central brand manager, said: “Softness is of course the most important quality in any toilet paper, but consumers have requested a package that is handier to carry and easier to open.”
Schneider Packaging Equipment has launched the Tissue Tough Horizontal Case Packer (TTHCP) for versatile case packing of single or multiple rolled and folded products. Schneider’s medium speed Tissue Tough case packers are designed for the converting industry, whilst also providing gentle product handling. The company said it is designed to maximise operating efficiency while increasing flexibility by enabling easy access, fast changeovers and quick start-ups. The TTHCP features continuous operation during KDF loading.
Södra has increased the price of its bleached softwood sulphate pulp (NBSK). The new price of USD 870 per tonne will apply from 1 April 2012. The company declined to comment further at this time.