Tissue World is calling all green and innovative tissue mills across Western Europe to get in touch to showcase their latest developments in our TW Awards. If you are a tissue mill with a strong sustainable story to tell, or if you’ve made great development in terms of innovation, we would like to hear from you. Organised by Tissue World magazine in conjunction with Tissue World Milan, the Awards will be taking place from 10-12 April 2017 in Milan. Two categories are now open for entry submission: Most Energy-Aware Mill Award This award goes to tissue mill which has outstanding sustainability initiatives. If you have demonstrated success in energy reduction and/or pioneered an innovative sustainability initiative, we would like to hear from you. Best Tissue Marketing Strategy Award This can describe any tissue product: from a wonderfully innovative Away-from-Home toilet roll to a smart and niche printed kitchen towel, this is the platform to showcase your innovative marketing campaign for a single tissue product. The TW Awards were first rolled out at Tissue World New Orleans last year, and the second edition celebrates and recognise sustainable development and innovation amongst tissue mills across Western Europe. Winners will be announced and presented with trophies at the Tissue World Milan 2017 Gala Dinner. They will also be featured on the Tissue World Milan website and have a write-up in Tissue World magazine. For more details and to apply visit: www.tissueworld.com/
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