(News from RISI) – The Czech firm BOR Biotechnology is preparing to build a new tissue mill in the town of Kozomín just north of the capital city of Prague.
The new facility will have a capacity of 80tpy. Plans call for construction to begin in autumn 2016, with production to launch in the second half of 2017, a spokesperson said.
Environmental approval for the project has been granted and the construction permit approval process is underway, as are final negotiations with local authorities. “Talks are still in progress but are drawing to a positive end,” said the spokesperson.
The main equipment supplier for the project has also been selected, but the company said it was unable to divulge the name for the time being.
The project will cost approximately Euro 20 million and will be financed from private and public sources. The firm plans to target the central European tissue market with the new production.
BOR Biotechnology was established in 2008 and is already active in the biomass segment. The firm has a woodchip-powered power plant in Kozomín which is currently operating in a trial phase.