Tissue World Magazine

China’s Taison Pulp (Group) has invested in two PrimeLineST W8 tissue machines for its mill in Suzhou, Anhui province.

The machines will produce up to 120,000tpy and are designed for 12 – 42g/m2 for facial and toilet paper. Start-up is scheduled for 2019.

They have a design speed of 1,800 metres per minute and a paper width on reel of 5.6m, and the 18ft PrimeDry Steel Yankee with steam-heated hood enables “highly efficient drying with substantial energy savings”, according to supplier Andritz.

The scope of supply also includes the stock preparation system, comprising two lines to process short fibre pulp and a mixture of bamboo and long fibre pulp as raw materials, as well as the approach system and Disc Filter Savealls for fibre recovery.