Romania’s MG TEC Industry has invested in two tissue production lines with stock preparation for its mill in Dej.
Supplied by Andritz, the lines are scheduled for start-up in 2020 (TM1) and 2022 (TM2).
The turnkey order comprises two PrimeLineCOMPACT V tissue machines with Steel Yankee as well as complete stock preparation systems, pumps, automation, hall ventilation, and electrification.
Each production line will be equipped with an stock preparation lines including approach flow system and broke handling.
They have a design speed of 1,900m/min and a width of 2.85m. They are equipped with a 15 ft. PrimeDry Steel Yankee for energy-efficient and safe operation.
The drying components PrimeDry Hood G, PrimeDustEXT dust extraction system, and PrimeMistEXT mist extraction system as well as the hall ventilation system will be delivered by Andritz Novimpianti.
MG TEC Industry is a newly formed tissue company.
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