July / August 2013

    Improving runnability on tissue machines

    Catanchem’s Gerhard Viljoen and aquaTECH’s Julien Arnold and David Hunkeler consider how to make savings, and get the most from the mill When tissue grades with high wet-strength resin (WSR) are being...
    Tissue World Magazine


    Global Wausau Paper launches DublNature T&T Line Wausau Paper has launched its new Green Seal certified, DublNature line of premium, cloth-like towel and tissue products. It uses 100% recycled fibre on the company’s recently...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Hanke Tissue旗下2,000款设计的产品出口至四十个国家,运营灵活性对其至关重要。

    波兰经济虽有所放缓,但从未陷入严重衰退。如今波兰经济正蓄势待发,正期待实现下一个飞跃。《世界卫生纸》到访了一家致力于满足市场质量需求的龙头纸巾生产商。 撰文Helen Morris,《世界卫生纸》编辑   会面地点就在该公司位于波兰西部Kostrzyn的工厂,访谈和参观期间,Robert Szczepkowski曾多次反复提到“质量”一词,质量的重要性由此可见。Hanke Tissue位于波兰与德国的边境,该公司正在进行一项大型投资项目,将在短期内建成由Recard供应的新月形成形器——PM4。执行董事Szczepkowski负责整个流程的监管,该项目将极大地提升公司在国内外的竞争力,从容应对优质纸巾产品日益增长的需求。 这家历史悠久的公司正在通向现代化的道路上前行。Hanke Tissue的历史可追溯至20世纪30年代,当时一家德国公司在Kostrzyn开办了一家纤维素工厂。二战期间,工厂几乎全部毁损。20世纪50年代,工厂得以重建并于1990年转制为国有企业,后出售给瑞典复印纸制造商Trebruk。 工厂随后建立了从事纸巾制造的单位,负责Hanke Tissue的生产。不久后,工厂被Huchtermeier Paper收购,2006年,Hanke Tissue 80%的股份由德国MBB Industries持有。自2011年起,MBB Industries成为Hanke Tissue唯一的股东。 如今,Hanke Tissue与众多纸巾和纸品公司关系密切,其中包括ICT Poland、制品制造商Arctic Paper以及Szczepkowski曾经工作过的纸巾生厂商Lamix。Szczepkowski刚从意大利回来,他此行的目的是“改造现有的厕纸和厨房用纸产品设计,提升现代性”。在享受完他的非洲假期后,他的座椅背后就摆放着一个显眼的非洲土著面具,或许是喻意协助他监督这个浩大的造纸设施工程。 工厂现有一台由Voith供应的纸巾机器,但今年秋天,Hanke Tissue将建成新月形成形器。Szczepkowski参与了工厂重建的方方面面,他将这项工程称为“完整的现代化过程”。参观工厂期间,我们能够充分地感受到他对细节的执着和热情。 建成并投产后,PM4的最大速度将达到1500米/秒,宽度为2.8米,最大产量为35000万吨(初级纤维为原料)。该机器定于2013年12月投产。公司生产彩色和装饰性餐巾纸和手帕纸,彩色印记采用柔性版印刷技术制作,确保优良品质。Szczepkowski表示:“在我们生产的产品中,60%都由我们自行加工,但由于餐巾纸业务产量有限,我们也会向其他加工商销售原纸。鉴于我们专注于技术和高要求纸巾,这促使我们投资另一台纸巾机器,并可以预见到长期盈利。目前来看,我们有能力生产出非常柔软的纸巾产品,数年后我们将下线扩大加工生产规模。我们的目标是成为一家更具综合性实力的企业。” 此项投资还包括新的仓存和物流区域、炼炉以及全新办公区域。工厂最终将配备八条餐巾纸加工流水线。目前公司使用Servotec加工流水线以及来自Omet和Perini的流水线印刷产品。Szczepkowski称:“我们的业务非常灵活。每年我们都会调整产品系列,目前正在生产的产品就多达2000种。这并非易事,所以一般大规模的企业往往都避开了这一领域,因这确是个复杂的生产流程,而我们却可以借此快速响应市场的需求。” 公司旗下的品牌有:Aha和Silver Square。“我们的品牌当中包含数百种的设计,此外我们还提供贴牌生产服务。当然,我们看好这一市场的主要原因在于宏观经济的增长。” 他认为,波兰经济曾在数年前有过快速增长,但今年上半年有所停滞。“目前波兰经济又再处于回升势头,消费者的购买行为也正在改变。我们可以预见市场对优质纸巾产品以及环保产品需求将不断增加,为此我们必须装备好所需设备,以占市场一席之地。” Hanke Tissue的产品目前已出口往40个国家,覆盖欧洲、亚洲和北美,但Szczepkowski认为波兰拥有最大的潜力,仍是其最为重要的市场,德国和乌克兰次之。“波兰的消费者希望购买价廉物美的产品,这一趋势在过去几年间已经成为市场主流。” 他认为相比于西欧和美国,东欧的纸巾消费需求仍存在差距。“针对德国消费者,我们更关注质量,因此利润可能略有降低。在我们不断致力于产品质量提升的同时,我们又注意到纸巾产品需求量的增加,东欧地区尤为突出。” 公司产品在俄罗斯有市场,目前更逐渐将目光投放到白俄罗斯。“这一地区的销售趋势不断增长。随着新投资的到位,我们正为把握这些机遇做好更为充分的准备,以不断巩固我们企业的市场地位。”  

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    Tissue World Magazine

    Poland: kitchen towels leading the market surge

    The Polish market for kitchen towels has had a significant boost over the last 20 years driven by affordable products and wider choice. By Ian Bell, Euromonitor International's global head of tissue and hygiene research. Over...
    Tissue World Magazine


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    Tissue World Magazine

    Europe news: Belarus, Austria, Italy and UK

    UK Northwood & Wepa acquires former GB&I G-P private label business Northwood & Wepa has acquired the former GB&I Georgia-Pacific private label tissue business from SCA. Northwood & Wepa is a joint venture made up...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Poland: international presence in a locally focused T&T market

    Poland produces approximately 425 thousand MT/Yr of Towel and Tissue (T&T) paper. That makes Poland the fifteenth largest T&T producing nation worldwide and sixth largest in the European Union (EU) with about...
    Tissue World Magazine

    Looking for a chain reaction

    Fabryka Papieru Kaczory is ready to start up its new tissue mill to supply customers as far away as Congo and Haiti. TW meets the independent producer diversifying in a changing market under German influence. By Helen...
    Tissue World Magazine

    ASIA NEWS: Indonesia, Japan and China

    Indonesia PT. Suparma signs for new tissue line Indonesian tissue producer PT. Suparma has signed for a new Metsosupplied tissue line that targets cost efficient high-quality tissue production. It will be installed at the...
    Tissue World Magazine

    With 2,000 different designs and products being exported to 40 countries, flexibility is key...

    The Polish economy slowed but never entered in deep recession and now it’s poised again for another leap forward. TW visited one leading napkin producer determined to adapt to market demands...

    The Barometer Issue: a climate report on tissue growth

    TW revisits its country report mills of 2012 in Japan, Brazil, Western USA, Turkey and South Korea to check progress against investment strategy. JAPAN, Tissue World December/January 2012 Doh-Ei Paper: boosting capacity in...

    Poland gets in shape to take full advantage of the European recovery

    By Helen Morris, Tissue World Editor Poland’s 40 million population, or at least the ones who get round to doing the cooking and the cleaning, love their kitchen towels...the star performers in a relatively...

    From spotlight to campsite quality tissue is essential

    Donna Sawyer is a finance journalist living and working in Sydney, Australia. With much of her work on camera, she looks for high quality tissue products that are beneficial for the skin and environmentally...
    Tissue World Magazine


    Canada Kruger Products reports 1Q results following TAD construction Canadian manufacturer Kruger Products has posted an increase in its 1Q 2013 revenue after it completed the construction phase of its TAD project. It reported...